W-Space Reports

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Terms & Shorthand
I will use some terms and other 'shorthand' in parts of this guide; most should know these but for those that do not they are detailed here:
Wormhole space; refers to a solar system in wormhole space.
Known space; refers to a solar system in known space (i.e. Empire, Low-Sec, Null-Sec)
Wormhole; refers to a wormhole connection between two systems.
Remote Repair; logistics; using modules such as remote armor repairs and shield transporters.
Cosmic Signatures & Anomalies; refers to a cosmic anomaly or one of four types of cosmic signatures (Ladar, Gravimetric, Magnetometric, Radar). The fifth type of cosmic signature is classified as Unknown and refers to wormholes.
Foreword, Disclaimer and Warning
W-space is not for young or inexperienced players. While young players might be able to get by in w-space they will certainly have a more difficult time and likely run into complications due to their limit skills. I would highly recommend that anyone planning to head into w-space should first go join a 0.0 (Null-Sec) alliance and get their feet wet if they have not done so already. We have been able to apply both the knowledge and tricks we had learned living in 0.0 effectively in w-space. This has proven to give us an effective edge over 95% of the other w-space inhabitants we have run into.
All w-space systems are designated with a system security status of 0.0 so like null-sec you do not take a security hit when engaging in PvP. That being said most people will defend their territory and some will actively go on the hunt and look for PvP targets. Anyone venturing into w-space should be well aware of these dangers. You will also need a good understanding of how to scan which will not be covered here anytime soon (see Links section below).
If you don't plan and test, you will lose your ships. So if you are planning an extend stay in w-space spend the time on SISI and do your homework.
Now with all that out of the way I would like to point out this report is meant to act as a resource only; not a tutorial.
Disclaimer and warning time: In the following sections I will detail observations, opinions and some humorous examples. Due to the random nature of w-space I make no guarantee as to how accurate any of this information is, even if it has been verified a hundred times over. Consider yourself warned.
Wormhole Space Classes
W-space systems fall into one of six classes:
Unknown Space - Class 1-3
Dangerous Unknown Space - Class 4 and 5
Deadly Unknown Space - Class 6
Class 1 and 2 systems can be soloed.
Class 3 you want some friends with RR.
Class 4 you want lots of friends with RR.
Class 5 you definitely want lots of friends with RR and probably a capital.
Class 6 you definitely want a capital or two and lots of friends with RR.
Site Difficulty
Site difficulty can be roughly determined by a keyword in the site name and the w-space class the site is in:
Perimeter sites are generally Low difficulty.
Frontier sites are generally Medium difficulty.
Core sites are generally High difficulty.
For Class 1-2 expect to see Perimeter sites.
For Class 3-4 expect to see Frontier sites.
For Class 5-6 expect to see Core sites.
Gravimetric, Ladar and class 5 Radar sites are exempt from this; also named sites (i.e. The Line & Solar Cell for example) do not fall under this convention.

Sleeper Sites
Each class of w-space should have 4 types of Cosmic Anomalies, 2 types of Radar and 2 types of Magnetometric cosmic signatures associated with it. This means that each class of w-space has its own set of Cosmic Anomaly, Radar and Magnetometric signature types that will not appear in any other class of w-space. The exception to this rule is Ladar and Gravimetric sites, as these sites can appear in several different classes of w-space and are not bound to a specific w-space class but in fact are each tied to a range of w-space classes.
- Out in the darkness, a curious deadspace signature taunts brave and reckless explorers alike to try and uncover what secrets may be hidden in the depths. Electronic interference floods through your ship’s systems only moments after your warp drive locks on and activates, growing in ferocity as you are hurled towards the strange phenomenon. -Unsecured Frontier Enclave Relay
The w-space class determines the type of sleeper sites that will be spawned. In lower classes, easier sites will spawn; and in higher classes, harder sites will spawn. The same site, if spawned in a higher class system, may include a few more ships and a possible increase in scrambling, webbing and remote repair (RR) ships (this applies to Ladar and Gravimetric sites only). Expect sleepers in Class 1 and 2 not to warp scramble or only rarely; Class 3 and 4 you will encounter some warp scrambling; Class 5 and 6 expect 75% to 90% of the sleepers (yes Battleships too) to warp scramble, stasis web and/or NOS (30 KM scramble range in some cases). I think it also goes without saying that as you get into higher class w-space systems you will see an increase in the types of status effects used by the sleeper NPCs and an increase in the number of NPCs with those effects at their disposal.
- Suddenly the illusion of solitude shatters. Slender, articulated obsidian shapes slide toward you from the surrounding darkness of space. Your sensors scream claxons into your auditory cortex as the drones' targeting systems lock onto your ship. You are not alone. Perhaps you never were.
- The Sleepers have risen. -Core Stronghold
Sleeper Site Escalation
Site escalation can be caused when you bring a large force into a site (capitals, large amounts of non-capital ships, etc). Site escalation does seem to also happen randomly on occasion, even without the presence of a large force. Site escalation may cause extra sleepers to spawn and additional waves to have increased spawn counts. Additionally, site escalation does not always seem to happen. This form of escalation was put in place to provide an extra challenge when players bring in more than enough to handle a site. When a Magnetometric site escalates it seems to also cause the Talocan spawn container to appear.

Sleeper Capital Escalation
Capital escalation is caused when you warp certain types of capital ships into a site. Capital escalation appears to be tied to two, and only two, classes of capitals (it should be obvious which two), with each having their own escalation chain. For each class, the first capital will spawn 6 Sleepless Guardians, the 2nd capital will spawn 8 Sleepless Guardians, additional capitals will not trigger any further escalation. This form of escalation was put in place to provide an additional challenge when bringing capital ships into a site. Capital escalation only happens on combat sites (i.e. Anomalies, Magnetometric, Radar) and does not occur at gas or asteroid belts (i.e. Ladar and Gravimetric).
- Alice warps her Thanatos into an anomaly, which causes 6 Sleeper Guardian battleships to spawn. Bob then warps his Thanatos into the same anomaly, which causes another 8 Sleeper Guardian battleships to spawn. Alice then starts yelling at Bob as the 14 Sleeper Guardians and the rest of the anomaly NPCs reduce their capitals to wrecks over the next two minutes.
Sleeper AI
The sleeper NPC AI is much more complex than normal NPC AI. Sleepers will switch targets regularly, attacking drones too. They also exhibit advanced threat detection and target selection. The sleepers handle multiple targets most dynamically; a sleeper may be warp scrambling Alice and stasis webbing Bob while it is shooting at Charlie.
- Alice in the logistics ship may find herself drawing all the aggro while they ignore Bob in the shuttle.
Sleeper Remote Rep
The sleepers that have remote repair ability will use it, sometimes to an annoying extent. Those sleeper frigates, cruisers and battleships, that can remote repair each other will do so indiscriminately; they also tend to assist the ones you happen to be shooting, aren't they clever. This can become annoying when, for example, the battleships have remote repair and are also the trigger for the next wave and they are happily remote repairing the frigates and cruisers while you try to kill them. The issue can be compounded if said frigates and cruisers also have the remote repair capability. Care should be taken on sites with large amounts of RR sleeper ships that a next wave isn't triggered ahead of time.
EVE-Metrics, Wormholes
The next best thing to Wormhole Thingy and more up to date at this point. (As far as I can tell)
Jove Labs
Great site for system intel.
Another great site for system intel.
DaOpa's Wormhole Database
Great details on all of the various wormhole types.
Apocrypha Probing
All about the new scanning system introduced in Apocrypha.
Singularity (SISI) Test Server
How to access and get on the CCP test server.
Wormhole Thingy by Drug Kito
This tool now appears dead; but I am keeping this here for now as reference in the event it is revived.
A must have for any w-space pod pilot; will give you information on Locus Signatures and Wormhole types. WARNING: Wormhole mass reported by Wormhole Thingy is only an approximate value; due to the random nature of w-space the actual maximum mass a wormhole can handle varies (sometimes extremely) each time. Lately (Dec/2009) I've been noticing somewhat large discrepancies between the information that Wormhole Thingy reports and what EVE-Metrics reports; beware of what information you trust to be fact.
A must have for any w-space pod pilot; will give you information on Locus Signatures and Wormhole types. WARNING: Wormhole mass reported by Wormhole Thingy is only an approximate value; due to the random nature of w-space the actual maximum mass a wormhole can handle varies (sometimes extremely) each time. Lately (Dec/2009) I've been noticing somewhat large discrepancies between the information that Wormhole Thingy reports and what EVE-Metrics reports; beware of what information you trust to be fact.
- When creating or updating a w-space site report, do not include salvage, other loot or notes that structures are invulnerable.
Classless Cosmic Signatures
These cosmic signatures can spawn in more than one class of w-space therefore they are considered classless as they have no specific w-space class spawn designation.Gravimetric
- Although abundant supplies of fullerenes were the darling discovery of the new wormhole regions, the influx of access to more raw minerals was not something that went unnoticed either. For many years, experts had postulated that the current supply in known space was beginning to fall slightly behind demand. Fortunately for all parties involved, the discovery of vast ore deposits in these far-flung, unknown areas ensured that such an event would not happen in the foreseeable future.
Unexceptional Frontier Deposit
Common Perimeter Deposit
Exceptional Core Deposit
Infrequent Core Deposit
Unusual Core Deposit
Rarified Core Deposit
Barren Perimeter ReservoirMinor Perimeter Reservoir
Ordinary Perimeter Reservoir
Sizable Perimeter Reservoir
Token Perimeter Reservoir
Bountiful Frontier Reservoir
Vast Frontier Reservoir
Instrumental Core Reservoir
Vital Core Reservoir
Class 1 Cosmic Signatures
Cosmic Anomalies
Perimeter Ambush Point (Class 1)Perimeter Camp (Class 1)
Phase Catalyst Node (Class 1)
The Line (Class 1)
Forgotten Perimeter Coronation Platform (Class 1)Forgotten Perimeter Power Array (Class 1)
Unsecured Perimeter Amplifier (Class 1)Unsecured Perimeter Information Center (Class 1)
Class 2 Cosmic Signatures
Cosmic Anomalies
Perimeter Checkpoint (Class 2)Perimeter Hangar (Class 2)
The Ruins of Enclave Cohort 27 (Class 2)
Sleeper Data Sanctuary (Class 2)
Forgotten Perimeter Gateway (Class 2)Forgotten Perimeter Habitation Coils (Class 2)
Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay (Class 2)Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm (Class 2)
Class 3 Cosmic Signatures
Cosmic Anomalies
Fortification Frontier Stronghold (Class 3)Outpost Frontier Stronghold (Class 3)
Solar Cell (Class 3)
The Oruze Construct (Class 3)
Forgotten Frontier Quarantine Outpost (Class 3)Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot (Class 3)
Unsecured Frontier Database (Class 3)Unsecured Frontier Receiver (Class 3)
Class 4 Cosmic Signatures
Cosmic Anomalies
Frontier Barracks (Class 4)Frontier Command Post (Class 4)
Integrated Terminus (Class 4)
Sleeper Information Sanctum (Class 4)
Forgotten Frontier Conversion Module (Class 4)Forgotten Frontier Evacuation Center (Class 4)
Unsecured Frontier Digital Nexus (Class 4)Unsecured Frontier Trinary Hub (Class 4)
Class 5 Cosmic Signatures
Cosmic Anomalies
Core Garrison (Class 5)Core Stronghold (Class 5)
Oruze Osobnyk (Class 5)
Quarantine Area (Class 5)
Forgotten Core Data Field (Class 5)Forgotten Core Information Pen (Class 5)
Unsecured Frontier Enclave Relay (Class 5)Unsecured Frontier Server Bank (Class 5)
Class 6 Cosmic Signatures
Cosmic Anomalies
Core Citadel (Class 6)Core Bastion (Class 6)
Strange Energy Readings (Class 6)
The Mirror (Class 6)
Forgotten Core Assembly Hall (Class 6)Forgotten Core Circuitry Disassembler (Class 6)
Unsecured Core Backup Array (Class 6)Unsecured Core Emergence (Class 6)
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