Break Their Will, level 3

Last edited by HoshiIsamu:
Thu, 03 Feb 2011 10:58 EST

Faction: Serpentis, Mercenary
Mission type: Encounter
Damage dealt: Kin, Therm, Explosive
Recommended damage: Kin, Therm
Recommended ships: Drake

Note: Mission objective requires you to destroy a Repair Station
Tip: Destroy the Aux Power Generators or the station will auto heal, then destroy the Repair Station to disable its function to repair the rats

Single Pocket

At warp-in there are only structures, when the Repair Station is attacked, the following wave will spawn
Attacking the Auxillary Power Array's will not cause any spawn

First Wave

Arrives when you shoot at the Repair Station
1x Stasis Tower
3x Heavy Missile Battery (does Explosive damage with Havoc Heavy Missiles)
6x Destroyers (Corelior Artillery/Cannoneer/Infantry/Sentinel/Soldier/Trooper)
2x Cruisers (Corelum Safeguard/Watchman)
2x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Patroller/Safeguard/Scout/Spy/Watchman) damp

Reinforcement Wave 2

Reinforcements will spawn when you destroy the Repair Station
1 Mercenary Commander
1 Mercenary Lieutenant
2 Mercenary Corporal
1 Mercenary Fighter

Destroy the Repair Station, mission complete, warp out

Batteries may drop missiles
Other structures no loot

Scordite - 21 asteroids
Veldspar - 40 asteroids

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May seem really obvious, but I wasn't thinking straight - you have to destroy the repair station before you can kill any of the mobs (I did however snipe the frigates from the first wave with wardens) as it will REPAIR the mobs... clues in there right? Apparently not if you're me. So just saying for you other tired pilots out there :)
-- PteiaMassi (2009-05-22 18:00:35)
So you can add a dual MAR II Harbinger to the list of ships that can do this mission EASY. I never got below 50% armor with an 800mm plate on with the dual reps.

Didn't give a whole lot for bounties and salvage wasn't that great either. But it's only a lvl 3 mission.
-- ProVersius1 (2009-09-14 10:26:08)
For those of us who always seem to do missions in whatever is at hand, this one definitely needs more than a cruiser. Despite excellent gunnery and decent missile skills, I had about 6 warp-outs with my Rupture (with 4 of them into hull). That repair station takes a ton of hit points and you are webbed/fully exposed the whole time.
-- UuCassandra (2009-11-08 23:09:55)
Warp in to 50km and blow up Aux Power Generators, then attack the Repair Station. When Rats show, warp out and then warp back in again to 100km, will place you outside the pack. Can pick them off as they approach. kill everything b4 blowing up station.
-- DeMichaelCrimson (2010-03-10 02:08:43)
You can add MyrMidon as also capable to make this easy. Go in range, use hammer/ogre drones and just destroy main target, don't bother fighting anything else, then warp out.
-- MarcusDeadgray (2010-07-27 18:18:53)
Done in Ishatar dropped Curator II's upon land and raped repair stn and everything else..
Drones only got aggro after the repair station was destroyed.
-- Hyd3 (2010-11-02 20:42:16)
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