Level 4 Recon (common parts 2 and 3)
Recon (2 of 3), Level 4
Faction: Mercenaries.
Mission type: Encounter.
Space type: Deadspace.
Damage dealt: All types. (Thermal: 41%, Kin: 24%, EM: 21%, Exp: 14% from Ambush One.)
Web/Scramble: Mercenary Wingman.
Extras: N/A
Recommended damage dealing: Therm/Kin
Recommended ship class: Battleship
Pocket 1
No aggro upon warp-in. The locked acceleration gate (mission objective) is 72km away from the warp-in point.
The Mining Corporation Headquarters station is about 10km away.
Ambush Spawn 1 is triggered when the Mining Corporation Headquarters station is attacked OR when your ship is within 10km from locked acceleration gate.
Ambush Spawn 2 is triggered when your ship is within 10km from locked acceleration gate.

Ambush Spawn 1:
1x Angel Cruise Missile Battery (Mercenary Cruise Missile Battery) (Cataclysm Cruise Missile.)2x Mercenary Sentry Gun (Tower Sentry Caldari III)
4x Elite Frigates (Mercenary Wingman) (Web/Scramble)
3x Cruisers (Mercenary Commander)
2x Battleships (Mercenary Overlord)
Ambush Spawn 2:
1x Angel Cruise Missile Battery (Mercenary Cruise Missile Battery) (Cataclysm Cruise Missile.)1x Battleships (Mercenary Overlord)
- To manage aggro, trigger the first ambush by attacking the Mining Corporation Headquarters station.
- The Mining Corporation Headquarters station drops mainly T1 modules and some Faction ammo.
- The mission is flagged completed once you have triggered both spawns i.e. by maneuvering your ship to within 10km of the locked acceleration gate or by destroying the station.
- Fly to the gate in a shuttle, trigger the ambush, warp out.
- Note: The Mercenary Wingman frigates will spawn on top of the warp gate. You may get webbed/scrambled if you're not fast enough in warping out.
- Mining Corporation headquarters has very high HP (approx. 306,550 total).
Recon (3 of 3), Level 4
Faction: None.
Mission type: Recon.
Space type: Deadspace.
Damage dealt: All types (EM, Therm, Kin and Exp.)
Web/Scramble: None.
Extras: Toxic gas cloud damage. MWD now works.
Recommended damage dealing: N/A
Recommended ships: Any well tanked battleship (Raven, Dominix.) or battlecruiser (Drake, Myrmidon, Hurricane.) or a fast cruiser. (Stabber.)
Pocket 1
There are no NPC ships to kill. The next warp gate is 60km away from the warp-in point.
The toxic environment will damage your ship in consecutive toxic cloud waves. Each wave is timed to hit every 20 secs and it deals EM, Therm, Kin, and Exp damage.
Base damage per wave is 500 raw damage with no shield/armor resists applied. For each successive wave, this base damage is increased by around 50-100 damage - e.g. Wave 1 (500dmg), Wave 2 (550-600dmg), Wave 3 (600-700dmg), etc.
A final giant toxic cloud will hit after about 10 waves (or about 3.5 mins). It deals 2000 raw damage with no shield/armor resists applied.
After this final giant toxic cloud there will no more damage coming from the toxic environment.
- The toxic cloud waves will be reset after you have warped out.
- DO NOT bookmark the (plagioclase/pyroxeres) asteroid field in the next pocket. On attempting to warp to the bookmark, you will be deposited into the toxic cloud, resulting in insta-death for the un-prepared mining ship.

Toxic Cloud Wave (every 20 secs.)
500-1000 EM damage (at 0% EM resistance.)500-1000 Therm damage (at 0% Therm resistance.)
500-1000 Kin damage (at 0% Kin resistance.)
500-1000 Exp damage (at 0% Exp resistance.)
Final Giant Toxic Cloud (hits after about 10 waves.)
2000 EM damage (at 0% EM resistance.)2000 Therm damage (at 0% Therm resistance.)
2000 Kin damage (at 0% Kin resistance.)
2000 Exp damage (at 0% Exp resistance.)
- Fit an omni-tank to cover for all damage types. Needs a minimum sustainable 200 dps tank for each damage type.
- Fit an afterburner to quickly cover the distance to the warp gate to save time and if your tank does not meet the minimum requirement.
- Stabber setup: Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburner (or T2), 2x Large Shield Extender II, 3x Overdrive Injector. This is the fastest way to complete the mission.
- The mission is flagged completed once you have activated the warp gate and warped off to safety.
If you can get your Miner though the cloud in the second Pocket, you find:45 Roids Veldspar = 1382948 Units
30 Roids Plagioclase = 259119 Units
16 Roids Pyroxeres = 139845 Units
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