Basic tips on setting up certain ships.


I made this guide to answer a lot of common questions from people that just got their hands on different ships. I will however encourage people reading the forums, especially this forum post (out of game) as I will not go into detail, nor cover a lot of ships. I'm also considering the ships will be used in level 4 missions, solo. Use this as the basics to build up a ship you're comfortable flying.

More specific setups can be found in this thread.

The setups

I tend to start with the tank first, and getting to know the ship that way. Then work on the main weapons and lastly fill the gaps for what the main weapons can't defeat. Usually you'll face everything from fast flying interceptors to hard tanking battleships.


I'll start with the most used ship in eve. Most used for a reason. There isn't much to say about it. Just try to get a tank going, and then try to adjust the setup for your needs and skills.


A ship that can be fitted in a myriad of ways. I started out with this. Then exchanged a lot of the parts when the tank held. Before investing in any expensive faction stuff, I recommend fitting at least 1 or 2x of the Auxiliary Nano Pump rig. There is no need for a webifier as the smaller drones will make short work of any interceptor attacking you.

  • High: Nos + utility
  • Med: 5x Cap rechargers
  • Low: 2x Large Armor Repaiers, 3x hardeners, 1-2x Cap relays, 0-1x Energized adaptive nano membrane / Damage Control
  • Rigs: 1-2x Auxillary Nano Pumps, 1-2x CCC
  • Drones: 5x Small, 5x Medium, Rest Heavy.

  • Ishtar

    Though to fit this one. But it keeps flying even with named and t2 items.


    There is a lot of ways to fit this. Never flown one myself, so I'm entering the setup submitted ZhouXi:

    If fighting drones or Mercenaries, the mid slots are changed to:
    2x Large Shield Extender IIs, 2x Invulnerability field IIs, 2x Shield Damage Amplifiers (Kin/Therm for mercenaries, EM/Therm for Drones)


    A ship that has to be fit to suit your fighting style, like other gunships.

    Comments [Hide comments/form]
    Good data to refer to when fitting ships for missions.

    Errata: Drake has x8 high slots and x4 lo slots, not 7 and 5.
    -- (2008-05-30 21:49:25)
    I think you've mistaken the setup a bit.

    Highs: you don't have to fit every slot.
    Lows: The name of the module is in fact "Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I". It's not two modules.
    -- ChepeNolon (2008-06-06 11:14:38)
    I know this is a pull from the other site, and I don't want this to be another Battleclinic, but I do have some alternate fittings I would like to post, and have created a page from my User info page.
    -- JennvanaaSallen (2008-06-12 19:48:36)
    Ishtar has 5 med slots.

    I suggest:

    * High: 2x Small Solace Remote Armor rep (to repair your own drones)
    * Med: 1x 10mn Afterburner, 3x Cap Rechargers, 1x Omnidirectional Tracking Link
    * Low: 2x Medium Armor Repairer, 2x EANM, 1x Damage Control
    * Rigs: Auxillary Nano Pump, Drone Speed Augmentor
    * Drones: 5x Light, 5xMed, 5x Heavy, 5x Sentries

    Swap a EANM for an Explo Hardner when needed
    -- PincoPez (2008-06-17 03:37:11)
    Don't forget the Nighthawk. Once you get to level 5 missions, this ship gonna be your best friend. It can tank much better than the Raven and puts out similar DPS (againt a Cruise Missile Raven) when using Scourge missiles.

    6x Heavy Missile Launcher II

    1x Large Shield Booster
    1x Invulnerability Field II
    1x Photon Scattering Field II
    2x Large Shield Extender II

    3x Power Diagnostic Unit II
    2x Ballistic Control Unit II

    1x Anti-EM Screen
    1x Core Defense Field Purger

    One of the other nice things about this setup: Swap the Shield Booster or one of the Large Shield Extenders for a Warp Disruptor and you're ready for PVP!
    -- SonReir (2008-06-18 01:27:32)
    Your Domi's low slots and rigs need work. The correct Domi fit is 2 reppers, 4 hardeners(or 3 and an EANM for a few missions), 1 CPR, 1 CCC, and 2 Nano Pumps. It perma-runs just fine, tanks any L4 mission going, and you've even got the cap and fitting to spare for a track of medium guns to up your DPS pretty significantly, though I know some prefer 1 small laser(to draw aggro), 2 tractor, 2 salvager, and 1 drone range extender to avoid the need for coming back with a salvage ship. You'd have to be crazy to use a DCU, and the third rep amount rig is just wasteful.
    -- HerschelYamamoto (2008-06-20 00:03:42)
    "The Correct Domi Fit" :)

    It all depends on skills, opposing faction and not to forget, isk. I agree that the thirds rep rig is now not as effective as it was when I used the domi. It got a slight nerf after I fit all rig slots with that. But combined with a centus x-type lar it gives out an insane rep. amount. So I don't bother removing one of them.

    But again, that's why it's kinda wrong to say "the correct setup". You can fit rep amount and rep duration rigs and then fill all the med slots with cap rechargers. Or you can fit CCC's instead and use the meds for ab and other things. The variations are endless.

    My point with the page originally was to sum up what people in lvl 4 had to say every time a newb joined.

    My recommendation is still to fit as many cap rechargers and relays as you can. Getting a decent running tank. Then drop one after another when you get better skills, better equipment (t1->good named->t2) and feel more confident with the ship and missions. If you manage to pull small groups all the time, and with the right tanking, you can survive certain mission without even repairing.

    An example is blockade vs blood raiders. I use a very expensive armor repairer and have one em and one therm hardener. Expensive ones those too. It's enough for that mission. I exchange a recharger for an ab, and fill the highs with electron blasters. In low I have one faction cap relay along the hardeners and 3x magnetic field stabs. That is of course with 3x repair amount rigs. The heavy drones finish off every non-bs class swiftly, even the interceptors, and with the aid of the electron blaster cannons, the battleships dies also fast. When I get into range that is. Only trouble is nos, but I always make those ships primary targets for my drones.

    Now. How much is my setup worth? Well, at least so much that I don't dare flying with it anymore due to the gankers. And not everyone can afford dishing out billions of isk for modules. So the key is to start at a level where your tank is holding and you'll survive most of the missions. Then you can go for improving your killing speed.
    -- ChepeNolon (2008-06-20 12:18:19)
    An other domi fit, just to point out that there is no "best":

    high: rails (that fit after all others) for aggro and dmg, drone link aug for faraway targets
    med: cap re t2
    low: 2 LAR, 4 active hardener, 1 enam
    rigs: 3xCCC

    With some skills, this is a permarun, "go-and-read-a-book" setup for about all lvl4 misisons... or you can help your drones. And you don't depend on cap vampires or the like.
    -- XoddHil (2008-06-20 14:29:01)
    Nighthawk #2:

    6x Heavy Missile Launcher II

    1x Pith X-Type Large SB
    1x Pith A-Type Shield Boost Amp
    1x Photon Scattering Field II
    1x Invulnerability Field II
    1x 10MN Afterburner II

    2x Capacitor Flux Coil II
    3x Ballistic Control Unit II

    1x Anti-EM Screen
    1x Anti-Explosive Screen

    Does solid DPS, can tank like a champ. The faction gear might be a bit pricey, but is well worth it. If you add in a +5% CPU augmentation, you can drop one of the Flux Coils and put in another BCU. A few other augmentations and you can get close to 500DPS out of it.
    -- MrMike (2008-06-29 17:20:18)

    7x 350mm -or- 7x 425mm (later one requires AWU 2-3)

    1x Tracking Computer II (with both script types, to track down fast orbiting HACs on the 15-25km range)
    3x Cap Recharger II

    1x LAR II
    4x Hardeners II -or- 3x Hardeners II 1x EANM II (for missions with varied damage types)
    1x CPR
    1x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

    2x CCC
    1x Auxiliary Nano Pump

    Drones: 5x Hobgoblins II, 5x Hammerheads II, 2x Sentries

    Skills needed to fit:
    Weapon Upgrades 5
    Electronics 5
    Advanced Weapon Upgrades 2-3
    Engineering 5
    Recommend other cap skills at 4 to keep it cap stable.

    The mega provides less tank potential compared to a Dominix, with my skills and this setup it settles at around 500 dps tanked. The upside is your damage output will quickly offset the incoming damage, allowing you to tank any mission without problem, skill heavy boat nonetheless.
    -- SilentSkills (2008-11-25 10:57:49)
    An alternative for those not blessed with ISK and/or SP... I've used this setup very successfully on an industrial alt of mine (high SP, but not in combat skills!). Is very like a drake passive setup, however, it has a few advantages over the drake, in both range and drone capacity.

    Hi: 4 x Arbalest Cruise Launcher, 2 x 250mm Railgun (or NOS + Drone link)
    Med: 3 x LSE II, 1 x Passive Shield Resistance Amp (rat specific), 1 x Active Shield Hardener (rat specific), 1 x Inv Field, 2 x Shield Recharger
    Low: 2 x Shield Power Relay II, 2 x Ballistic Control System II
    Rigs: 2 x Core Defence Field Purger, 1 x Anti-EM Screen

    Drones: usual mix to fill out 75m/3 (2xhvy, 2xmd, 1xlgt)

    Most of you will go, ugh!!!! wtf! but hey it does work.... although DPS isn't great the tank is pretty good, and it has over 100k range....
    -- Peon155 (2009-02-11 13:00:10)
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