Revision [7720]

Last edited on 2011-02-03 10:53:03 by HoshiIsamu [+CategoryLevel3]

Revision [4105]

Edited on 2009-04-08 21:18:40 by WolfBiss [corrected BS info 7/10]
Does not trigger anything. Might drop an implant. Heavy EM damage (Paradise Cruise Missile).
Does not trigger anything. EW invulnerable. Might drop an implant. Heavy EM damage (Paradise Cruise Missile).

Revision [4104]

Edited on 2009-04-08 21:17:42 by WolfBiss [cleaned up 5/10]
5x Frigate (Komni Smuggler)
3x Cruiser (Komni Assassin/Honcho)
1 Komni Assassin (Caracal)
2 Komni Honcho (Moa)
5 Komni Smuggler (Merlin)

Revision [4103]

Edited on 2009-04-08 21:05:16 by WolfBiss [added BS data 7/10]
1x Battleship (Komni Envoy)
Does not trigger anything. EW invulnerable. Might drop an implant. Heavy EM damage (Paradise Cruise Missile).
Only one BS greets you:
250k Envoy (Rattlesnake). Does not trigger anything. Also EW invulnerable. Might drop an implant. This guy does 350 EM damage from missiles.

Revision [4102]

Edited on 2009-04-08 21:00:43 by WolfBiss [cleaned up 7/10]
3x Frigate (Pithi Wrecker/Plunderer)
2x Cruiser (Pithum Inferno)
4x Frigate (Pithi Destructor/Demolisher)
2x Cruiser (Pithum Eraser)
2x Battlecruiser (Pithatis Assassin/Death Dealer)
2x Battlecruiser (Pithatis Assaulter)
4x Cruiser (Pithum Silencer/Ascriber)
2x [[ Pithum Inferno]]
2x [[ Pithi Wrecker]]
1x [[ Pithi Plunderer]]
3x [[ Pithi Destructors]]
2x [[ Pithum Erasers]]
1x [[ Pithi Demolisher]]
1x [[ Pithatis Assassin]]
1x [[ Pithatis Death Dealer]]
2x [[ Pithatis Assaulter]]
2x [[ Pithum Silencer]]
2x [[ Pithum Ascriber]]

Revision [4101]

Edited on 2009-04-08 20:53:27 by WolfBiss [cleaned up 8/10 & 9/10]
5x Destroyer (Pithior Anarchist/Renegade)
1x Cruiser (Pithium Abolisher)
3x Cruiser (Pithatis Assaulter/Eraser)
4x Destroyer (Pithior Nihilist/Anarchist)
2x Battlecruiser (Pithior Enforcer/Executor)
4x Cruiser (Pithium Killer/Murderer)
4x Destroyer (Pithior Anarchist/Renegade)
1x Cruiser (Pithathis Assaulter)
4x Destroyer (Guerrilla/Renegade)
2x Cruiser (Mortifier/Inferno)
3x Cruiser (Pithium Annihilator/Nullifier) (jamming)
4x Frigate (Pithi Demolisher/Destructor)
2x Cruiser (Pithium Demolisher/Eraser)
3x Pithior Anarchist (destroyer)
2x Pithior Renegade (destroyer)
1x Pithium Abolisher (cruiser)
2x Pithatis Assaulter (cruiser)
1x Pithium Eraser (cruiser)
3x Pithior Nihilist (destroyer)
1x Pithior Enforcer (battlecruiser)
1x Pithior Executor (battlecruiser)
1x Pithior Anarchist (destroyer)
3x Pithium Killer (cruiser)
1x Pithium Murdered (cruiser)
1x Pithathis Assaulter (cruiser)
2x Pithior Anarchist (destroyer)
2x Pithior Renegade (destroyer)
3x guerrilla (destroyer)
1x mortifier (cruiser)
1x inferno (cruiser)
1x renegade (destroyer)
2x Pithium Annihilator (cruiser)
1x Pithium Nullifier (cruiser) (jammer)
1x Pithium Demolisher (cruiser)
1x Pithium Eraser (cruiser)
3x Pithi Demolisher (frigate)
1x Pithi Destructor (frigate)

Revision [4100]

Edited on 2009-04-08 19:17:36 by WolfBiss [corrected recommended damage 5/10]
Recommended damage dealing: Therm
Recommended damage dealing: Therm/Kin

Revision [1994]

Edited on 2008-08-18 10:47:53 by OzHound [Updated most of Mission 10's Ship names]
50KM out Aggro
3x Pithior Renegades
2x Guristas Sentry tower III
3x Pithior Anarchists
1x Pithatis Assassin
1x Pithatis Death Dealer
3x Pithum Infernos
3x Pithi Plunderers
2x Wreckers
1x Plithum Eraser
1x Plithum Abolisher
1x Pithatis Enforcer @
2x Pithatis Assaulters near the tower.
They do aggro at about 13km
2x Guristas Kyoukens
2x Guristas Webifiers
5x Pithatis Enforcers
3x Pith Destroyers
1x Pithatis Assaulter
1x Pith Conquistador
===Group 4 (Right Side)===
4x Pith Usurpers
3x Pithior Nihilists
2x Pithior Anarchists
4x Pithatis Death Dealers
1x Pithatis Revoluter
2x Battlecruisers
2x Sentry tower III
2x Frigates
3x Cruisers
4x Frigates
3x Battlecruisers near the tower.
No proximity aggro.
4x Battleships
6x Battlecruisers
4x Elite frigates (jamming)
4x Battleships
5x Battlecruisers

Revision [1983]

Edited on 2008-08-15 09:43:13 by OzHound [updated part 7 with ship names and links]
250k Envoy (Rattlesnake). Does not trigger anything. Also EW invulnerable. Might drop an implant. This guy does 350 EM damage from missiles.
5 Groups, all about 40-50k away:
2x [[ Pithum Inferno]]
2x [[ Pithi Wrecker]]
1x [[ Pithi Plunderer]]
3x [[ Pithi Destructors]]
2x [[ Pithum Erasers]]
1x [[ Pithi Demolisher]]
1x [[ Pithatis Assassin]]
1x [[ Pithatis Death Dealer]]
2x [[ Pithatis Assaulter]]
2x [[ Pithum Silencer]]
2x [[ Pithum Ascriber]]
You will get aggro from Groups 1 and 2 if u come within 20km otherwise the other groups dont aggro up to 10km (as far as i tested, i targeted and engaged at 10km)
Attacking one group will not aggro any others.
250k Envoy (Rattlesnake). Does not trigger anything. Also EW invulnerable. Might drop an implant.
3 Groups, all about 40-50k away:
4x Cruisers
7x Frigs
Only need to kill of the group above to complete
===Groups 2 and 3===
4x light cruisers
No auto aggro at any point in this mission. The light cruisers do not aggro the 2 BC either, so you can do them separately if you want.

Revision [1106]

Edited on 2008-06-11 22:19:45 by JennvanaaSallen [Fixed several typos]
======Angel Strike, Level 3======
Recommended damage dealing: Therm/Kin
Recommended damage dealing: Kin/therm
4x Cruisers
7x Frigs
4x light cruisers
===1st group at 15km aggro immediately ===
2x Sentry tower III
1x Cruiser
4x Elite frigates (jamming)
======Angel Srike, Level 3======
Reccomended damage dealing: Therm/Kin
Recomended damage dealing: Kin/therm
7 Frigs, 4 Cruisers, 2 BC.
2 BC,
4 light cruisers
===1st group at 15km aggro inmediately ===
2x sentry tower III
1x cruiser
4x Elite frigates (jamming

Revision [851]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-05-31 18:13:03 by ChepeNolon [This is a copy from the kidnappers strike variant.]
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