Epic Arc Overview

Last edited by OnlyKithran:
more info on final wave in mission 5, trigger
Sat, 24 Apr 2010 15:26 EDT

Starter agent: Arsten Takalo
Agent corporation: Brutor Tribe
Agent location: Frarn (Brutor Tribe Community Area)
Standings required: 6.9 (Either Minmatar Republic or Brutor Tribe)
Additional skills required: Hacking, Archaeology

Important notes :
* Your standings is only checked by the starter agent. Once you are on the epic arc, subsequent agents will no longer make standings checks.
* This means, within this epic arc, you can choose to run missions for ANY faction regardless of your standings with them.

* RSS Core Scanner Probes ( Flight Time 1000.00s / 45 point sensor strength / 500Hp )
* 25 Million Isk Payout

Chapter 1 - The Passage

Mission 1 - A Demonstration

Find and return "Olfei Medallion". Can be either bought in the market or found in a cosmic anomaly call "A Demonstration" with in the Sveipar Constellation, analysis skills required to open containers each containing 1 medallion. ( Only one is needed )

Anomaly contains:

5x Elite Frigates ( Angel )
11x Elite Cruisers ( Angel )


Mission 2 - The Cost of Preservation

Recover the passkey from Aillon Boufin and use it to recover the Hauteker Memoirs from his archives. Once you have acquired the key, it will need to be placed inside the archives.

Faction: Mercenaries / Gallente
Mission Type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Web/scramble: Elite frigate (Mercenary Wingman)

Initial Group

1xElite Crusier (Ailon Boufin - Gallente Eilte Cruiser) multiple triggers when shot

Spawn 1 (triggerd when Ailon first shot)

5x Elite Frigate (Mercenary Wingman) Web
6x Cruiser (Mercenary Corporal / Mercenary Lieutenant)
5x Battleship (Mercenary Overlord)

Spawn 2

(triggered when Ailon goes into armor ) 7x Battleships (Mercenary Overlord)
1x Elite Battleship (Mercenary Commander)


Mission 3 - Written By The Victors

Faction: Angel Cartel / Ammar Empire
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space without gates (May use MWD)
Damage dealt: Any (See Below)
Web/scramble: Elite frigate, Breaker/Defeater elite cruisers.
Recommended damage dealing: Exp (Initial Group) , EM (Spawn 1)
Recommended ship: Battleship (long range fit + may Afterburner)


No Gate

Initial Angel Cartel Group (20-40 km)

(left + right together) 1x Elite Frigate (Arch Gistii Outlaw / or Thug ) Web/Scramble
7x Elite Cruiser (Arch Gistum Centurion (3), Arch Gistum Phalanx (4))
3x Elite Cruiser ( Arch Gistum Breaker / Arch Gistum Defeater) Web/Scramble
3x Battlecrusier (Gistatis Legatus (1) Gistatis Tribunus (2))

Total DPS:
EM: 67 / EXP: 331 / KIN: 92 / THERM: 178
Piranha Light Missile in 5 secs!

Spawn 1 Amarr Empire

(Triggered when last battlecruiser destroyed) Recommended Damage Dealing: EM
2x Elite Battlecrusier (Imperial Templar Phalanx)
3x Battleship (Imperial Templar Martyr)
1x Elite Battleship ( Imperial Templar Judgement ) Final Trigger

Spawn 1 Total DPS: Unknown / Wrath Cruise Missile in 20 secs!


Take the Wildfire Khumaak from Central Burial Tomb and bring to next mission.
You do not loose Amarr Empire standing for blowing up these Amarr vessels.

Mission 4 - Glowing Embers

Drop Off Mission Mission can be remotely completed

Mission 5 - From Way Above

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space without gates
Damage dealt: Any (Explosive, Kinetic, Em)
Web/scramble: Elite frigate, Elite cruisers.
Recommended damage dealing: Exp/Kin
Recommended ship: Battleship (long range fit + may Afterburner)

Inital Spawn

3x Elite Frigates ( Arch Gistii Ambusher / Raider ) Web Scramble
3x Elite Cruisers ( Arch Gistum Phalanx / Centurion )
3x Elite Battlecrusier ( Gistatis Praefectus / Tribunus )

Spawn 1

3x Elite Frigate ( Arch Gistii Ruffian ) Web/Scramble
2x Elite Cruiser ( Arch Gistum Marauder / Liquidator )
1x Battleship ( Gist Warlord )

Spawn 2

1x Elite Frigate ( Arch Gistii Ruffian ) Web/Scramble
4x Elite Cruiser ( Arch Gistum Breaker / Defeater) Web/Scramble
3x Battleship ( Gist Throne / Cherubim )

Spawn 3

4x Destroyer ( Gistior Seizer / Thrasher )
3x Elite Frigate ( Arch Gistii Impaler / Hunter ) Web/Scramble
3x Elite Battlecruiser ( Gistatis Legatus / Tribunus )

Spawn 4

5x Elite Cruiser ( Arch Gistum Breaker / Defeater) Web/Scramble
3x Battleship ( Gist Seraphim )
2x Elite Battleship ( Gist Domination Saint / Nephilim )


Mission 6 - Friends In High Places

Check point mission


Mission 7 - My Little Eye

Talk To Next Agent Mission

On to Chapter 2, Songs of the Past
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Mission 3:
Written by the Victors

Normal Space (May using MWD)
Recommended damage dealing: Exp
We did it with Raven + Tempest :)

No Gate
Initial Groups(left + right together) (20-40 km)

Arch Gistum Centurion (3)
DPS: 17 29 7 0

Arch Gistum Breaker (3)
DPS: 0 28 6 0
Statis Webifier:
Chance: 50% Max. Range: 20 km Duration: 5 s

Arch Gistum Phalanx (4)
DPS: 0 17 7 28

Gistatis Legatus (1)
DPS: 16 38 7 0

Gistatis Tribunus (2)
DPS: 0 25 7 26

Arch Gistii Outlaw / Thug (1)
DPS: 0 4 4 14 / 0 16 4 0
Warp Scrambler:
Strength: 2 pnt
Chance: 25% Max. Range: 7.5 km Duration: 8 s

Statis Webifier:
Chance: 35% Max. Range: 10 km Duration: 5 s

Total DPS:
EM: 67 / EXP: 331 / KIN: 92 / THERM: 178
Piranha Ligh Missile in 5 secs!

Spawn 1

Recommended Damage Dealing: EM

Imperial Templar Phalanx (2)

Imperial Templar Martyr (3)
DPS: 72 0 15 60

Imperial Templar Judgement (1)
You get a message from agent when you hit his Armor.

Spawn 1 Total DPS: Unknown :)
Wrath Cruise Missile in 20 secs!

Take the Wildfire Khumaak from Central Burial Tomb!
-- HirnoK (2009-09-13 07:23:27)
Mission 2 - The Cost of Preservation

- Spawn 1 Frigs rep back to 100% health before 1 large turret cycle completes
- Spawn 1 Frigs can't be solod by t2 light drones, but can by t2 medium drones
- Spawn 2 appears when Ailon takes armor damage
- Spawn 2 consisted out of 5 cruisers (class Caracal) and 6 Machariels with me
- Place archive key in archive container to receive the book
-- HelmsmanJohn (2009-10-07 17:42:10)
Mission 4 & 5 (Glowing Embers & From way above)

Mission 4 is a courier mission
- Prepare for mission 5, Angel Cartel
- Warp to mission 4 Encounter
- Deposit the Wildfire Khumaak
- Complete mission through your journal & Accept mission 5 through journal!!!

Mission 5
- I have no exact details on these, mind this please!
- Multiple spawns through triggers
- Frigs will only target paint you
- First spawn has two or three triggers, BC tribuni & Angel frig ... and possible cruiser trigger.
- Total of 4 or 5 waves
- Killing last Tribuni in first wave triggers cruiser, bc, 1 BS wave
- Killing last Angel frig in first wave spawns cruiser, destroyer, frig wave
- Killing last Cruiser in first wave might spawn a new wave(?)
- Possible trigger: Gist warlord (from wave following Tribuni trigger wave 1)

- Mission completed after killing Gist Domination Nephilim (& Saint?)(Blitz)
- Total BS count: 2 Gist Throne; 3 Gist Seraphim; 1 Gist Cherubim; 1 Gist Domination Saint; 1 Gist Domination Nephilim; 1 Gist Warlord

- Total bounty ~14M

- BS's deal a lot of damage, so take it easy on killing triggers
- 1st wave, kill triggers starting with frigs, (cruisers), bc to keep it easy
-- HelmsmanJohn (2009-10-08 10:58:04)
Mission 6 (Friends in high places)

Courier mission
- Shuttle or any other preferred ship is fine.
-- HelmsmanJohn (2009-10-08 12:34:01)
Mission 2 - The Cost of Preservation

Expect a constant stream of kinetic damage from heavy missiles.

Ailion Boufin loves to target drones -nothing else. I stuck a fast one in orbit around him to keep him occupied while I worked the other combatants. I didn't have enough fire power to take Ailion Boufin out first. I had to wipe out all of the other ships first and then get in his face.
-- WheatGrass (2009-11-29 09:11:29)
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