Formatting code for ArtifactRecovery2

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======Artifact Recovery, Level 2======

{{lastedit show="2"}}
Faction: Rogue Pirates.
Mission type: Encounter.
Space type: Deadspace, no gates.
Damage dealt: EM/Exp/Kin
Extras: None.
Web/scramble: None.
Recommended damage dealing: Kin/Therm
Recommended ships: Arbitrator, Vexor.

====Single Pocket====

Aggro on warp-in. Rats 20-30km from warp-in point.

8x Frigates (Rogue Miners ake Rogue Pirate Grunts)
8x Cruisers (Rogue Miners aka Rogue Pirates) **(Thunderbolt heavy missiles.)**


==Mineable Asteroid info==
15 Scordite 70-90K each = 929,811
17 Veldspar about 40K each = 975,122

- Both exp and EM are dealt, so it might be difficult in a cruiser. Tank properly!
- Ran in Arbitrator with a Exo and Kin hardeners and was useless. Need to tank for heavy Em and light Exp!
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