Intercept The Saboteurs, level 4
Faction: Guristas
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace w/gate
Damage dealt: Kin, Therm
Web/scramble: Dire Pithi
Extras: Jamming from Annihilator/Nullifiers
Recommended damage dealing: Kin
Recommended ships: CNR, Drake, Abaddon, Raven, Maelstrom
It's unclear from what ship the mission loot is dropping. It's definitely not the last destroyed ship in the pocket, nor the last destroyed transport ship. Maybe the last ship from a specific group.
Spawns may vary, this is just an example.
3x Frigates (Pithi Destructor/Demolisher)2x Destroyers (Pithior Guerilla)
Single Pocket
Attacking might aggro all.Attacking groups 1 or 3 will usually aggro that group and group 2.
Drones might be aggroed by neutral groups.
Attacking an elite frigate in group 2 will only aggro a few extra frigates, which can be sniped at leisure.
Picture to make it clear where which group is located

Group 1 (51 - 82km)
2x Destroyers (Pithior Guerilla)3x Cruisers (Pithum Annihilator) (Jamming)
3x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Assaulter/Assassin)
1x Battleship (Pith Eradicator)
Group 2 (55 - 75km)
3x Guristas Transport Ship11x Frigates (Pithi Demolisher/Destructor/Guerilla)
6x Elite Frigates (Dire Pithi Imputor/Arrogator/Invader/Infiltrator) (Web/Scramble)
3x Cruisers (Pithum Mortifier/Inferno)
2x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Assaulter/Enforcer)
1x Battleship (Pith Extinguisher)
Group 3 (45 - 65km)
2x Destroyers (Pithior Terrorist/Guerilla)3x Cruisers (Pithum Annihilator/Nullifier) (Jamming)
2x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Enforcer)
1x Battleship (Pith Obliterator/Eradicator)
Armory may drop T1 Ammo
Habitation Modules may drop Trade Goods
Nothing hereBounties
3,245,442 ISKStanding hits
Killing one of the transports incurs a 2.4% standing penalty.CategoryLevel4
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