Blood Den

Last edited by SazukaKirr
Sat, 19 Feb 2011 14:35 EST

Faction: Blood Raiders
Group: Cosmic Anomaly
Location: High-Sec
Damage Dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Extras: None
Reccomended Damage Dealing: EM

Single Pocket

Auto-aggro from each wave. Two chains of spawns triggered by EW Frigates and Sentries.

Initial Group

3x Frigate (Corpii Diviner)
2x EW Frigate (Corpii Collector) Tracking Disruption
3x Destroyer (Corpior Cleric)
2x Sentry (Tower Light Missile Battery)

Ship Wave 1

3x Frigate (Corpii Worshipper)

Sentry Wave 1

2x Sentry (Tower Light Missile Battery)

Sentry Wave 2

4x EW Frigate (Corpii Collector) Tracking Disruption
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