Formatting code for MordusHeadhunters3

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======The Mordus Headhunters, Level 3======

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Faction: Mordus
Mission type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic, Thermal, Kinetic missiles.
Web/scramble: Mordus Bounty Hunter
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic, Thermal
Recommended ships: Drake, Retribution (AF), Hurricane

No hostiles at initial gate

====Pocket 1====

===Group 1===
7x Frigates (Mordus Katana)
2x Cruisers (Mordus Puma)

===Group 2===
3x Frigates (Mordus Katana/Rapier)
3x Cruisers (Mordus Leopard/Lion/Puma)

====Pocket 2====

10x Frigates (Mordus Katana/Gladius)
2x Interceptors (Mordus Bounty Hunter) (web/scramble)
7x Cruisers (Mordus Leopard/Lion/Puma)

The small armories may drop an assortment of small to large ammo and light to heavy missiles

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