Unknown Events, level 2

Last edited by TainaSalvaje:
Edited to add whole asteroid requirement.
Thu, 10 Jul 2008 14:47 EDT

Mission type: Mining
Space type: Deadspace, no gate. Warp to bookmark works.
Faction: Belts rats.

Mine 5,000 Lyavite. (The whole asteroid)
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For the life of me, I could not figure out what they wanted me to mine? When I arrived, there was only the broken asteroid, and the barren asteroid, and the mining site, no Lavite?
-- DarmaelThule (2008-08-02 04:29:45)
add kernite to your overveiw, it should be somewhere around the broken crystaline asteroid, you can also find it with a survey scanner, about 17-14km from the warp in point
-- LitlTim (2008-10-13 18:22:16)
Got attatcked by 2 Serpentis Spies as soon as i Started mining
-- Klann2 (2010-01-25 13:07:15)
Spawns 2-3 belt-rats while you mine, every 9-18 minutes.
They spawn in at 45-50Km
-- KarantaD (2010-10-10 04:00:38)
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