Operation Wyrmsbane, Level 5
Faction: Serpentis
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace, No gate
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Extras: Dampener (Coreli Guardian Watchman)
Web/Scramble: Web & Scram - Coreli Guardian (Protector, Safeguard, Guard, Spy, Watchman)
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended ships: CNR, Golem, Carrier
Ship types and the specific number of rats will vary from time to time in each spawn, so please keep in mind that this is just an example.
Missile Batteries and Towers are fixed.
Note: Spawns 2 and 3 are at 4 minute intervals.
When you warp in, there is a single mixed group. Aggro is automatic.Initial Group:
8x Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery2x Serpentis Stasis Tower (Web)
6x Battleships (Core Grand Admiral/Core Lord Admiral)
5x Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Guard/Safeguard) (Web/Scramble)
6x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Sentinel)
8x Battlecruisers (Corelatis Captain/Wing Leader)
Spawn 1:
5x Frigates (Coreli Protector/Guard/Defender)5x Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Spy/Watchman/Protector) (Web/Scramble) (Dampening [Watchman])
4x Elite Cruisers (Corelum Guardian Chief Safeguard/Infantry)
Spawn 2:
2x Serpentis Stasis Tower (Web)10x Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery

Spawn 3:
Triggered by Hacking Info ShardSpawns at a distance of 2,000 - 2,500 m from Shard
4x Battleships (Core Lord Admiral)
6x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Sentinel)
Spawn 4:
Triggered when the Serpentis Stronghold is at about 5-10% ArmorSpawn starts within 20 km of Stronghold
3x Battleships (Core Grand Admiral)
4x Battlecruisers (Corelatis Captain)
3x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Sentinel)
3x Frigates (Corelior Infantry) [Destroyers]
Structure Loot:
- Cruise Missles from the Bunkers
- Serpentis Info Shard will drop various things (Engagement Plan, for instance)
- Serpentis Stronghold dropped nothing of interest (100 x Tungsten Charge L, 1x Hammerhead I, Small Coaxial Regenerative Remote Armor Rep, Small Armor Rep, Small NOS)
- It is strongly suggested that you use Logistics support to keep your tank alive.
- Make sure and remember to have a ship with a hacking (Codebreaker I) module handy for the Serpentis Info Shard
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