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======Pot and Kettle, Level 4======

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=====Part 1 of 5=====
Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM/therm.
Web/scramble: Frigates
Recommended damage dealing: EM/THM
Recommended ships: Sleipnir, Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi

====Single Pocket====
Warp in at about 50km from the nearest group.
1x Prophecy Battlecruiser
10x HACs (may be battlecruisers when entering as BC?)
1x Cruise Missile Battery
2x Heavy Missile Batteries

When you fire on the Prophecy pretty much everything aggros except the Prophecy may not aggro.
Firing on the Prophecy causes a spawn of:
4x Elite Frigates (This group will also spawn after a certain time even if you haven't attacked the Prophecy. Estimate approx 20min.)

Destroying the Prophecy causes a spawn of:
4x Cruisers

Final spawn, caused by destroying the previous spawn:
5x Cruisers

Kill the Prophecy, warp out.

=====Part 2 of 5 ("Mine Sweeper")=====
Faction: Drones
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: All types
Recommended damage dealing: EM/therm
Recommended ships: Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi

There are 6 mines at jump in 22km - 70km away.
After one mine explodes 4 new mines spawn. After shooting 4 more mines there's another spawn of 4 mines + the "Amarrian drone mine 1".
After blowing up "Amarrian drone mine 1" the mission is over.

Upon firing on the Mines, 4 Amarr Smart Drone NPCs (Rogue Drone Battlecruisers) will appear around the mine, and your ship (and any in your fleet on the grid) will take 600-1000 damage. Destroy the drones after each mine to avoid being swamped.

- For snipers: snipe all of the mines from as far away as you can. Keep shooting the mines until the "Amarrian drone mine 1" spawns. Blow that one up, and mission completed. (Note: When I did the mission Drones didn't attack until blowing up the last 3 mines - NikalVaszol.) Using this blitz you can do the mission in less than 10 minutes, easily.
- For ships with high alpha strike: if you group your turrets/launchers and kill a mine in one volley, it will not spawn any NPCs. Mines have 1200 hp each. Using this blitz you can complete the mission in two minutes in absolute safety.

Note: For the salvagers: If you kill every single mine (4 drone bc spawns each) it accumulates to around 50 or so wrecks with drone minerals

=====Part 3 of 5=====
Courier Mission (1 Large EMP Smartbomb, Volume 50m³)

=====Part 4 of 5=====
Note: If you decline this, you'll get an alternative 5 of 5.

Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM/therm
Web/scramble: Recon Ships
Recommended damage dealing: therm, EM for Amarr Recon Ships
Recommended ships: Sleipnir, Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi, Drake

==Group 1==

These ships are present upon warp-in.

2x Tower Sentry Amarr I
4x Amarr Sentry Gun
2x Imperial Templar Forian (frigate)
2x Imperial Templar Champion (cruiser)
1x Imperial Templar Justicar (cruiser) **spawn?**
1x Imperial Ultara (battleship)

==Spawn 1==

5x Outpost Defender (fighter drone - frigate-sized) **heavy DPS**

==Spawn 2-5 ==

1x Amarr Recon Ship (cruiser) **trigger next wave**
2x Amarr Recon Ship (frigate) **web/scram**

Mission is complete when all Amarr Recon Ships are destroyed.

- Outpost Defender drones do 100 dps each, orbit at 3 km, and will MWD towards you at 2000 m/s. EMP smartbombs can be quite useful here.

=====Part 5 of 5=====
Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM/therm
Web/scramble: Divine Imperials
Recommended damage dealing: therm/EM
Recommended ships: Sleipnir, Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi

====Pocket 1====
You warp in the first pocket using an accelleration gate, no aggro on warp in. There are 3 groups, with increasingly larger size ships, all faction (so no bounty). The 2 groups closest to you (40km and 80km) can be pulled or sniped. If you need to get closer to the 3rd group to pull them (120km) they will aggro you when you are 80 to 90km away. This means you can't get to the next gate without getting attacked by the battleships.

Spawns (might be slightly random):
===Group 1=== (40km):
4x Divine Imperial Felix
2x Imperial Tanakh
2x Divine Imperial Nabih **(Web/Scramble)**
2x Imperial Avenger
1x Imperial Justicar
1x Imperial Dominator (BS)

===Group 2=== (80km):
3x Imperial Origen (BS)
2x Divine Imperial Nabih
1x Divine Imperial Felix
1x Divine Imperial Champion
1x Imperial Templar Dominator

===Group 3=== (120km):
3x Imperial Tanakh (BS)
1x Imperial Templar Seer
1x Imperial Origen (BS)
1x Imperial Dominator (BS)
1x Imperial Bataivah (BS)

====Pocket 2====
First group will aggro on warp in (or a few seconds later), 2nd group seems to aggro after group 1 goes.

===Group 1 (25km)===
5x Frigates (Divine Imperial Felix) **(Web/Scramble)**

===Group 2 (60km)===
3x Cruisers (Imperial Equalizer)
6x Battleships (Imperial Bataivah/Imperial Dominator/Imperial Origen)

===Group 3 (70km)===
4x Frigates (Imperial Caius/Imperial Crusader/Divine Imperial Napat)
2x Cruisers (Divine Imperial Justicar)
4x Battleships (Imperial Ultara)

You could pull them together with the other groups if you feel confident, otherwise don't get too close and they will not target you or your drones.

====Alternate 5 of 5====
Courier Mission (100,000 units of Mexallon; 1000 m³ volume)

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