The Rogue Slave Trader, level 3

Last edited by HoshiIsamu:
Thu, 03 Feb 2011 11:03 EST

The Rogue Slave Trader, Part (1 of 2)

Faction: Blood Raiders
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal
Damage dealt: Em, Thermal
Web/scramble: Follower/Worshipper
Recommended damage dealing: Em, Thermal
Recommended ships: Caracal, Drake, Ferox, Harbinger.
Difficulty: VeryEasy

Single Pocket

Slave Pen into hull triggers the spawn after about 5-7 minutes

Single Group:

2x Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Follower/Worshipper) web/scram
2x Cruisers (Corpum Dark Priest/Shadow Sage)

Single spawn

1x Battlecruiser (Blood Raider Slaver)

Downing the Slavers, Part (2 of 2)

Faction: Blood Raiders
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal
Damage dealt: EM, Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Em, Thermal
Recommended ships: Ferox, Arbitrator, Drake

On Warp In

Instant aggro.

Single Group

3x Frigates (Corpii Collector/Diviner/Raider) weapon disruption
1x Destroyer (Corpior Cleric)
3x Cruisers (Corpum Arch Priest/Arch Sage/Arch Templar/Revenant/Dark Corpum Arch Engraver)

Scordite roids 10x - 25k per asteroid = total of 250k
Veldspar roids 6x - 90k per asteroid = total of 540k
Safe to afk mine after clearing. 1-2 low level rats will harass you but are easily tanked. Remember not to turn in mission.

Pocket 1

The gate lands you right in the middle of a defensive square structure with sentries & ships on each corner @ 5 to 16km with a 15 second-ish delay before being aggro'd.

Single group

4x Sentries (Blood Raider)
4/5x Destroyers (Corpior Cleric/Converter/Devoter/Friar/Templar/Visionary)
2/3x Battlecruisers (Corpior Bishop/Shade/Blood Raider Slavers)

Because this is a normal mission space you can drop a bookmark and get out, then warp back at a range of your choice.
Note that sentries have 250km range though and will still hit you at 100km. This should however be tankable long enough to pick off the ships as they come toward you.

No loot. Sentries may drop ammos.

In the last pocket you only have to kill the Slavers this completes the mission and you can warp out. Other kills are optional.

Killing the Slave Pen in part 1 incurs a -4.0% standing penalty with The Blood Raider Covenant

Comments [Hide comments/form]
Bllod Raider Sentry Towers range is 250km
-- SillexHaiivn (2008-07-06 19:52:16)
Distances: In part 1 of 2, warping to within 0km placed me within 27km to 30km of the enemy. In part 2 of 2, it placed me within 16 to 24km of the enemy.

An ECCM module was used to counter weapons disruption along with a sensor backup array.

In part 2 of 2, taking out the sentries first prevented the remaining enemies from getting past my battlecruiser shields.
-- WheatGrass (2008-08-17 22:06:54)
comment 'safe to afk mine' is not always true, the rats that might or might not spawn will be the same as what is found at an asteroid belt for that system, if you run this in low sec or 0.0 the rats can be quite wicked, the best bet is a system with no asteroid belts in it, there will be no rats at all
-- GrantaviusFowler (2008-08-20 22:41:08)
Cancelling the warp then rewarping is the method to get a true warp-to distance in part one of this mission.
-- TheNetdoctor (2009-02-01 05:19:36)
Simple Mission, my Harbingers tank was more then enough.
-- CynicalRise (2009-03-21 21:10:08)
mission 1/2 has 89k in veldspar also
-- AvramGarrison (2009-06-17 00:43:52)
Both parts easily done in a Vexor. EM/Therm tank
-- NicCage (2009-06-23 22:18:13)
On the mission index page, this is listed as a Sansha mission...but the rats are clearly Blood Raiders. Someone should fix that, and make sure it is listed correctly.
-- Travis9x (2009-09-08 13:17:14)
part 1 spawns were present on warp in. Killing the slave pens and looting completed mission.
-- ZarinaD (2009-09-22 21:58:32)
To second teh above poster, this is a Blood Raiders mission.

Also, the blitz for 1 of 2 is to kill the slave pen, loot, and go home.
One of the small frigs can warp scram.

Completed in a completely overtanked passive shield Ishtar with absolutely no challenge.
-- MaevaX (2009-10-28 02:24:14)
Also confirming that the blitz on 2/2 is to just kill the 2x slaver ships.
-- MaevaX (2009-10-28 02:33:18)
i got an internal force field array I which have marked value at 10.5 mil. from one of the Raider skavers...
-- JeroNimax (2010-02-15 13:22:34)
In part one I got 9x Veldspar, total yield unknown (didn't check).
-- FaiaArashi (2010-07-01 00:10:16)
the spawn in part one takes some minutes to come up, if you blow the slave pen, so be careful when mining/salvaging.
also confirming that the enemies are bloodraiders.

If anyone experiences the same: if i complete the mission, part2 is renamed to "Downing the slaves", wich is listed here as level4 mission. in fact it seems to be level3 though.
-- ShamoYing (2010-07-07 18:10:12)
Confirmed, 2nd part is 'Downing the Slavers'.

Completed in T2 fit Hurricane - Passive Shield tank, active Hardeners, AB, Gyrostabilizer, Artillery/Heavy Missile

I clicked 'Keep Range' from nearest sentry tower with AfterBurner on and shot far ships first. Shield held at 1/3rd down
-- DeMichaelCrimson (2010-07-29 21:08:06)
the best omber minning mission for amarr or galdari guys!
done this one very often.
simply clean the first room, mine the ore, but leave the 2nd room. the mission will be reseted every day after the daily downtime until its not flaged "complete"!
every day fresh omber, but first a few fresh enemies to kill in the first room :)
secound room is easy done with any t2 or well fitted battlecruiser. i prefer a t2
a note to beginners. in room 2. after warp-in, quicky fly vertical up- or downward away.
and kill the sentries first, at 2nd the destroyers, at last the battlecruisers.
and use your drones after getting stage agro!
secound note to you beginners: dont try in the 2nd room your new battleship :) !
-- RaabenFeder (2010-08-13 15:54:32)
In 1/2 I get the slaver sooner than 5-7 minutes after getting into the pen hull, more like a minute or less.
-- DoctorNho (2011-01-14 21:57:32)
My ore total was 250k scordite and 940k veldspar. Didn't get roid count but the veldspar were a mix of 50k and 90k roids.
-- DoctorNho (2011-02-19 21:21:12)
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