Revision [6245]

Last edited on 2010-03-19 08:21:33 by AeonOfTime [Conformed title to global naming convention, typos]
====== Human Cattle, Level 2 ======
4 sentry drones and 3 missile batteries at the warp-in point. All aggro on warp in. You have to dispatch the drones to open the cargo can (disguised as a habitation module) and pick up the datachip needed for the mission. There are a bunch of other structures none of which dropped loot for me.
4 frigates (Caldari Navy) sat at warp-in point. All aggro immediately. After a short time reinforcements arrive - 9 more frigs which appear pretty much at combat range, these are not triggered by the initial force as far as I can see. The residence in the middle drop some trade goods.
Deadspace encounter. For some reason you are dropped some distance from the gate, there are a couple of structures but no ships waiting for you here. Just fly through the gate as normal.
As soon as you warp in you complete the mission. There is 1 support frig (scrambles, but you can warp before it locks/scrambles) at about 20k range which aggros shortly after warp in and a whole lot of Amarrian navy vessels at about 130k range.
====== Human Cattle (1-5), level 2 ======
4 sentry drones and 3 missile batteries at the warp in point. All aggro on warp in. You have to dispatch the drones to open the cargo can (disguised as a habitation module) and pick up the datachip needed for the mission. There are a bunch of other structures none of which dropped loot for me.
4 frigates (Caldari Navy) sat at WIP. All aggro immediately. After a short time reinforcements arrive - 9 more frigs which appear pretty much at combat range, These are not triggered by the initial force as far as I can see. The residence in the middle drop some tradegoods
Deadspace encounter. For some reason you are dropped some distance from the gate, there are a couple of structures but no ships waiting for you here. just fly through the gate as normal.
As soon as you warp in you complete the mission. There's 1 support frig (scrambles, but you can warp before it locks/scrambles) at about 20k range which aggros shortly after warp in and a whole lot of Amarrian navy vessels at about 130k range.

Revision [4189]

Edited on 2009-05-01 19:25:37 by NemrodTerzi
====== Human Cattle (1-5), level 2 ======
====Human Cattle (1 of 5):====
====Human Cattle (2 of 5):====
====Human Cattle (3 of 5):====
====Human Cattle (4 of 5):====
Note: Interceptor will occasionally warp scramble, lost my first cruiser here. Takes a lot of dps to beat the shields on it, will web within 10k.
====Human Cattle (5 of 5):====
Note: Blitzing this section may not be possible.
As soon as you warp in you complete the mission. There's 1 support frig (scrambles, but you can warp before it locks/scrambles) at about 20k range which aggros shortly after warp in and a whole lot of Amarrian navy vessels at about 130k range.
====== Human Cattle, level 2 ======
====Part 1:====
====Part 2:====
====Part 3:====
====Part 4:====
====Part 5:====
As soon as you warp in you complete the mission. There's 1 support frig (scrambles) at about 20k range which aggros shortly after warp in and a whole lot of Amarrian navy vessels at about 130k range.

Revision [4109]

Edited on 2009-04-10 15:44:21 by AmandaOqioror [Part 3 - Loot from residence]
4 frigates (Caldari Navy) sat at WIP. All aggro immediately. After a short time reinforcements arrive - 9 more frigs which appear pretty much at combat range, These are not triggered by the initial force as far as I can see. The residence in the middle drop some tradegoods
4 frigates (Caldari Navy) sat at WIP. All aggro immediately. After a short time reinforcements arrive - 9 more frigs which appear pretty much at combat range, These are not triggered by the initial force as far as I can see.

Revision [3499]

Edited on 2009-01-26 16:03:12 by EanoK [corrected part 1 (need to kill drones)]
4 sentry drones and 3 missile batteries at the warp in point. All aggro on warp in. You have to dispatch the drones to open the cargo can (disguised as a habitation module) and pick up the datachip needed for the mission. There are a bunch of other structures none of which dropped loot for me.
4 sentry drones and 3 missile batteries at the warp in point. All aggro on warp in. Once they are dealt with go to the cargo can disguised as a habitation module to pick up the datachip needed for the mission. There are a bunch of other structures none of which dropped loot for me.

Revision [3322]

Edited on 2009-01-01 08:00:04 by AnathemaMatou [O-M-G. I didn't know we still had "Completed with" sections in any reports.]
Recommended Damage dealing: Therm
Recommended ship classes: Cruiser or Battlecruiser
Reccomended Damage dealing: Therm
Completed with: Myrmidon (Helen Highwater)
Completed with: CNR (Shamistrudel)
Completed with: Stabber (JakeMcCord)
Completed with: Drake (JohnDMes)
Completed with: Passive Shield Tanked Vexor (Echo Vector)

Revision [3155]

Edited on 2008-12-19 10:56:27 by EchoVector
Completed with: Passive Shield Tanked Vexor (Echo Vector)

Revision [1975]

Edited on 2008-08-12 19:57:51 by JohnDMes [Added Rogue Drones for part 1, and listed what ship I completed with.]
Faction: Rogue Drones, Amarr, Caldari and a few mercenaries
Completed with: Drake (JohnDMes)
Faction: Amarr, Caldari and a few mercenaries

Revision [1796]

Edited on 2008-07-25 20:42:03 by JakeMcCord [corrected my name posting.]
Completed with: Stabber (JakeMcCord)
Completed with: Stabber (Jake McCord)

Revision [1789]

Edited on 2008-07-25 12:11:07 by JakeMcCord [Completed this mission with a Stabber.]
Completed with: Stabber (Jake McCord)

Revision [716]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-05-29 17:24:09 by MariaEpiconthe (unregistered user) [Conversion]
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