Revision [7380]

Last edited on 2011-01-25 13:10:10 by WikkaInstaller (unregistered user) [Upgrading from to 1.2]
< Tables can be created using two pipe (##""||""##) symbols. Everything in a single line is rendered as a table row.
##""||Cell 1||Cell 2||""##
||Cell 1||Cell 2||
Header cells can be rendered by placing an equals sign between the pipes.
##""|=|Header 1|=|Header 2||""##
##""||Cell 1||Cell 2||""##
|=|Header 1|=|Header 2||
||Cell 1||Cell 2||
Row and column spans are specified with ##x:## and ##y:## in parentheses just after the pipes.
##""|=| |=|(x:2)Columns||""##
##""|=|(y:2) Rows||Cell 1||Cell 2||""##
##""||Cell 3||Cell 4||""##
|=| |=|(x:2)Columns||
|=|(y:2) Rows||Cell 1||Cell 2||
||Cell 3||Cell 4||
Many additional features are available using table markup. A more comprehensive table markup guide is available on this server's TableMarkup page. A complete syntax reference is available on this server's TableMarkupReference page.
Wikka has native support for [[Docs:FreeMind mindmaps]]. There are two options for embedding a mindmap in a wiki page.
By default, some HTML tags are removed by the ""SafeHTML"" parser to protect against potentially dangerous code. The list of tags that are stripped can be found on the [[Docs:SafeHTML SafeHTML]] documentation page.
It is possible to allow //all// HTML tags to be used, see Docs:UsingHTML for more information.
To create a table, you can use the ##table## action.
~##""{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}}""##
~{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}}
Note that ##""###""## must be used to indicate an empty cell.
Complex tables can also be created by embedding HTML code in a wiki page (see instructions below).
Wikka has native support for [[Wikka:FreeMind mindmaps]]. There are two options for embedding a mindmap in a wiki page.
By default, some HTML tags are removed by the ""SafeHTML"" parser to protect against potentially dangerous code. The list of tags that are stripped can be found on the Wikka:SafeHTML page.
It is possible to allow //all// HTML tags to be used, see Wikka:UsingHTML for more information.

Revision [4023]

Edited on 2009-03-29 09:00:38 by WikkaInstaller (unregistered user) [Upgrading from to]

No differences.

Revision [4015]

Edited on 2009-03-28 09:57:26 by WikkaInstaller (unregistered user) [Upgrading from to]
Use between six ##=## (for the biggest header) and two ##=## (for the smallest header) on both sides of a text to render it as a header.
Use between five ##=## (for the biggest header) and two ##=## (for the smallest header) on both sides of a text to render it as a header.

Revision [20]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-05-19 12:46:22 by WikkaInstaller (unregistered user)
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