Rogue Spy, Level 5
Part 1 of 3
Faction: Rogue Drones
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace with acceleration gate
Damage dealt: Exp/Therm/Kin/EM
Extras: Energy Neutralizer Sentries
Web/scramble: Elite drone frigs (Strain Render Alvi/Raider Alvi/Sunder Alvi)
Recommended damage dealing: EM, Therm
Recommended ships: Nightmare, Raven, Vargur. Maelstrom w/ Passive Tank + Maelstrom w/ shield transfers, Drake w/ Passive Tank + Recharge Rigs + Drake w/ Passive Tank + Recharge Rigs (split aggro), Nighthawk /w Passive Tank + Dominix Support Repping, Maelstrom for DPS.
Completed in: Passive Tengu
Pocket 1
When you arrive the pocket will be empty with only the Drone Structure at 100km. Drones will spawn when you close to 50km of the structure. Everything aggros.

Tower sentries
8 x Drone Cruise Missile Batteries (Cataclysm Cruise Missile) two groups at 50 & 80km to left and right3 x Drone Energy Neutralizer Sentry II one each left, right, and above at 40km
1 x Drone Energy Neutralizer Sentry III 40km below
Group 1 (60km right)
4 x Frigates (Strain Sunder Alvi/Raider Alvi) - (Web/Scramble) -- Triggers Spawn 1 --Group 2 (80km in front, within Drone Structure)
2-3 x Elilte Cruisers (Strain Atomizer Alvum/Bomber Alvum/Disintegrator Alvum/Nuker Alvum)2-3 x Battleships (Alvus Queen/Matriarch Alvus)
Group 3 (60km Above)
3-4 x Battleships (Alvus Queen/Matriarch Alvus) -- One Triggers Spawn 2a --Group 4 (60km Left)
3-4 x Battleships (Alvus Creator/Patriarch Alvus)Group 5 (60km Below)
3-4 x Battleships (Alvus Ruler/Supreme Alvus Parasite) -- Triggers Spawn 3 --- Spawn 1 (60km Right)
3-4 x Frigates (Strain Decimator Alvi/Infester Alvi/Splinter Alvi) - Web/Scramble3-4 x Elite Cruisers (Strain Atomizer Alvum/Disintegrator Alvum/Nuker Alvum)
- Spawn 2a (60km Above)
3-4 x Battlecruisers (Siege Alvatis/Exterminator Alvatis) -- Triggers Spawn 2b --- Spawn 2b (60km Above)
3-4 x Battleships (Matriarch Alvus/Alvus Queen) Objective – Mission Complete- Spawn 3 (60km Below)
3-4 x Frigates (Sunder Alvi)- Spawn 4 (Drone Structure)
(Optional) – Upon destroying the Drone Structure (22,000 hp):3-4 x Cruisers (Strain Viral Infector Alvum/Devastator Alvum)
3-4 x Battleships (Alvus Queen)
- Thermal Damage is initially higher than Explosive damage until Missile Batteries are destroyed
- (Reducing Damage): If you trigger the initial groups, warp-out, then back in; The drones within the Drone Structure will not aggro with the rest of the room because they are too far away.
- (Speed) If you can handle the damage, you can put the 50km approach time to use by destroying the Drone Structure and triggering Spawn 4. You can kill several ships by the time you reach the proximity trigger of the main groups.
Part 2 of 3
Check Rogue Hunt (Part 2 of 3)
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