Formatting code for CargoDelivery2an

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====== Cargo Delivery, level 2 ======

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Faction: Angel Cartel
Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Exp, Kin
Recommended Damage dealing: Exp (kin)
Recommended ships: Caracal

====Single Pocket====
On warp-in, no rats are present.
First Wave appears when you get to within 20km of objective [hidden warehouse]

===Spawn 1:===
2x Elite Frigates (Arch Gistii Ambusher)
1x Frigates (Gistii Ambusher)
2x Destroyers (Gistior Haunther/Seizer)
1x Cruisers (Gistum Depredator)

Second Wave warps in as soon as you kill any one ship of the First Wave

===Spawn 2:===
1x Elite Frigates (Irmur Filara)
5x Frigates (Gistii Hunter/Raider)
5x Destroyers (Gistior Shatterer/Trasher)

You don't have to destroy any of the ships, so you can just warp in, grab the goods and warp out. Mind the Elite frigates probability of scrambling.

Veldspar - 45-50 asteroids
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