The Blockade, level 2

Last edited by PhoenixKuja
Sun, 10 May 2009 10:36 EDT

Faction: Blood Raiders
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal ?
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Therm
Recommended ships: Caracal

Five waves
1. no cruisers, destroyers and frigates
2. three cruisers .. 43k, misc destroyers and frigates
3. one cruiser, 37.5k and four armor tanked frigates .. 22k ea + misc frigs
4. one cruiser, 43k and four armor tanked frigates, 24,750 ea. + misc frigs
5. one 79k cruiser, four frigates, four destroyers

Various ordinary destroyers and frigates not mentioned.


1x Veldspar roid: 95.000
1x Veldspar roid: 130.000
1x Veldspar roid: 190.000
An entire belt of Pyroxeres, Plagioclase and Veldspar
(about 15x Plagio, 25x Pyro and 40x Veldspar, roids up to 50k)

Watch out, if you mine the roids you'll be attacked from "Beacon", that deals
around 2000 damages in 10 seconds.

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From builder alphaone:

Interesting addition, new with Revelations 1.4 ----
after whacking all five waves of rats and salvaging the wrecks, i came back to mine the plag and pyro 'roids.
they are boobytrapped ... 150 hp smartbomb. detonations seem to occur with increasing frequency as you continue mining.
a covetor definitely will not stand up to this abuse (I tried ... got down into armor quite quickly despite small sheild booster running full on).
-- ChepeNolon (2008-05-27 16:31:45)
From Crawler:

bring a hulk for the clean up alot of rocks
it can keep up with the traps

lots of veld pyrox plag
-- ChepeNolon (2008-05-27 16:32:04)
Blitz: Kill trigger in every spawn (complete mission objectives asking you to "Kill their high-ranking officers")

To the mining, I were doing it with Retriever and Exequror (Exeq was fitted for RRep).
Bombs detonates at the end of mining cycle, so use stripminers, don't try to mine with regular mining lasers, or you will be pushed away from the sky.
-- TontoAuri (2008-07-31 18:06:41)
When all was said and done, I counted 48 kills. My hurrican made a huge difference, I struggled on this with a Rupture (but I'm still a newb with sub 1 month playtime).
-- AnaanHolmfriour (2010-05-23 10:48:36)
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