War Situation, Level 4

Last edited by HoshiIsamu:
Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:34 EST

Note: There are two versions of this mission pair with the same name. Version A consists solely of two courier missions and is suitable for a shuttle. Version B is laid out below.
Declining the combat version might give you the courier version of this mission.

Part 1 of 2

Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM/therm
Recommended damage dealing: therm/em
Recommended ships: Sleipnir, Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi, Drake

Single Pocket

4x Frigates (amarr Navy Soldier)
2x Cruisers (Amarr Navy Maller)
2x Battleships (Amarr Navy apocalypse)

Remember to destroy the lookout post.

Part 2 of 2

Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM/therm/kin
Web/scramble: Support frigates
Recommended damage dealing: therm/em
Recommended ships: Sleipnir, Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi

Pocket 1

5x Frigates (Amarr Navy Gamma Support Frigate Warp Scramble/Web/Scout/Crucifier)
3x Cruisers (Amarr Navy Maller)
1x Battleship (Amarr Navy Armageddon)

Pocket 2

6x Frigates (Amarr Navy Crucifier/Amarr Navy Scout/Amarr Navy Soldiers)
4x Cruisers (Amarr Navy Maller)
2x Battleships (Amarr Navy Apocalypse)
1x Battleship (General 'Buck' Turgidson/Apocalypse) Orbit distance: 40km (Use EM weapons!!!)

One of the Apocs might move away to approx 250km away from you, but it will return back to it's original position.

Comments [Hide comments/form]
I just had this missions (Part 1 and Part2),
both were only courier missions, no combat at all
-- BruceBlacky (2008-06-16 19:23:22)
Just to add to recommended ships - T2 Passive Drake. Shields never fell below 75% All BC skills/missile skills at lvl 4/5. Personal rating - easy. Nothing good from drops or salvage though
-- XiahB (2008-07-02 13:10:41)
I also just recently received the 2-part Courier version of this.

Seems as if it is a Lvl 1 or 2 mission that's somehow slipped through the cracks...
-- StinggRay (2008-07-21 10:47:40)
Use weapons which make EM damage to bring General 'Buck' Turgidson down...
-- HeggAttack (2008-07-31 04:52:02)
Can anyone add how much bounty you get from these missions if any?
-- SomalThunder (2008-08-07 16:08:25)
No bounties, just tags, 3 millions or so total. Also, 'Buck' have dropped a +2 implant.
-- GrahorTarg (2008-09-07 03:54:37)
Yeah, Buck always drops either a +3 or a +2 implant.
-- ItsJupix (2008-09-07 04:25:22)
In the last pocket of 2/2 its 3 battleships (2x Amarr Navy Apocalypse and General 'Buck' Turgidson/Apocalypse), not the 6 as it seems to be now.
In both missions ships will not target till you fire upon them, even when you use drones they will just fire on the drones and stop firing when you withdraw them. Ideal for sentry drones.
-- NumberOne (2008-09-25 06:22:56)
I can confirm as of today BOTH versions of these missions exist. I had the combat one three days ago, the courier today.

The combat was moderate difficulty with a T2 active hardener Domi and a mix of T2 EM drones (light, medium, and heavy)

Buck dropped a +3 Ocular.
-- KepleiouS (2009-02-09 17:13:04)
Buck dropped a +2 Ocular filter for me :(
-- SharriAtal (2009-02-22 13:02:43)
+2 for me
-- MedWay (2009-03-10 16:47:53)
Buck will try to keep about 37km between you and him. He also has a pretty good armor rep, so you might want to bring an afterburner to catch up to him.

I also got a +2 Willpower implant from Buck.

Overall a very easy set of missions.
-- EveSquick (2009-04-21 16:11:05)
Buck melted just fine with Thermal ammo. Lvl3 missions rather than lvl4 tbh.
-- RagnaValdr (2009-04-29 05:54:43)
Oh completed i na Fleet Tempest btw.
-- RagnaValdr (2009-04-29 05:57:43)
I got Version A [two courier missions]. I am in Amarr space at a lvl 4 agent for the Minmatar corp Freedom Extension. My personal standings with Amarr are strong [about +9] and with Minmatar are weak [about -1.5]. Your guess as to why I got the courier version is as good as mine.
-- BuilderAlphaOne (2009-09-05 21:24:49)
Just finished the mission in a drake, on an alt aged 8 weeks. hardest thing was to kill the named.
-- TheMissioner (2009-10-02 17:53:36)
Both missions are very easily done in a sentry Dominix, and my agent gave me 1k units of Republic Fleet large ammo as a reward.
-- Artefact2 (2010-08-11 07:56:31)
Part 2 Mission Reward was 1k RF EMP L + Time Bonus ISK
+2 Perception Implant dropped from Buck
-- SazukaKirr (2010-12-12 08:49:02)
FACTION BALANCING: The first part of the combat series incurs a -2.4% standing loss with the Amarr Empire for "Combat - Ship Kill". There are no workarounds; the mission really does require you to destroy all ships present, not just the structure.

I have not tested the second part, but based on this alone, I'd say that the mission chain is *not* worth doing.
-- SeamusDonohue (2011-01-29 18:26:50)
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