Formatting code for SeekandDestroy3se

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======Seek and Destroy, level 3======

{{lastedit show="2"}}
Faction: Serpentis
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace with Single Gate
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Extras: Dampening (Corelum Chief Guard/Corelum Chief Safeguard)
Web/scramble: Guardian Veterans
Reccomended damage dealing: Kin

====Single Pocket====

===Group 1:===
Auto aggro at warp in
2x Corelum Chief Safeguard (Cruiser class)
2x Corelum Chief Guard (Cruiser class)

===Group 2:===
May aggro drones. Head back to initial location when drones back in drone bay.
2x Guardian Veteran (Elite class)
1x Corelatis Squad Leader (Battlecruiser class)

Mission completes after killing group 2.

After about 10 minutes, while i was looting, A Correlum Chief Guard spawned in.

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