Undue Attention, level 1

Undue Attention - Poking Around (1 of 3)

Last edited by IntelKnight
Sat, 30 Oct 2010 01:06 EDT

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Thermal/Kinetic
Extras: Dampening by Federation Hastatus
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal
Recommended ships: Kestrel

Single Pocket

You are told to investigate nearby structures, after approaching a structure Group 1 will spawn, and Group 2 aswell only seconds later.
When Group 1 spawns, mission will complete, so you dont have to kill any rats at all if you dont want to, just warp out.

Killing Group 1 will trigger Spawn 1
Killing Group 2 will trigger Spawn 2

Group 1: (24km) (Auto-Aggro)

4x Federation Hoplon
2x Federation Kontos

Group 2: (24km) (Auto-Aggro)

3x Federation Loras

Spawn 1: (30km) (Auto-Aggro)

5x Federation Clavis
2x Federation Hastile

Spawn 2: (Auto-Aggro)

1x Federation Hastatus (Dampening)

Undue Attention - Helping the Helpful (2 of 3)

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic
Recommended ships: Kestrel


Single Group: (20km) (Auto-Aggro)

2x Federation Hastile
6x Federation Clavis

Single Pocket

Killing Group 1 triggers Spawn 1
Killing Spawn 1 will complete the mission

Single Group: (Auto-Aggro)

1x Federation Loras
2x Federation Hoplon
3x Federation Hastile
3x Federation Clavis
1x Federation Kontos

Spawn 1: (Auto-Aggro)

1x Federation Hastatus

Doing mission on Cormorant, a Hastarius spawned instead of Hastatus, and once it was dead - another cruiser, Misthios

Undue Attention - Closing the Gatel (3 of 3)

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic
Recommended ships: Kestrel

Despite mission objective says its only doable on frigate, mission can be completed on Cormorant


Killing the 5 frigates will trigger Spawn 1

Single Group: (17km) (Auto-Aggro)

1x Gallente Point Defence Battery
2x Federation Kontos
3x Federation Hoplon

Spawn 1: (Auto-Aggro)

1x Federation Praktor Harpago

Pocket 1

Killing Federation praktor Belos triggers Spawn 1

Group 1: (10-20km) (Auto-Aggro)

1x Gallente Point Defence Battery
1x Federation Praktor Belos

Spawn 1: (15km) (Auto-Aggro)

6x Federation Clavis
2x Federation Hastile

Pocket 2

Objective is to destroy the Gallente Stargate. Attacking the gate triggers additional spawns, especially when getting into armor and then structure. Spawns seems to be random, including lots of frigates and a few destroyers or cruisers. Sample spawn is provided below.

Group 1: (40km) (Auto-Aggro)

4x Federation Kontos

Group 2: (45km) (Auto-Aggro)

4x Federation Clavis
2x Federation Hastile

Group 3: (45km) (Auto-Aggro)

4x Federation Clavis
2x Federation Hastile

Spawn 1: (Auto-Aggro)

4x Federation Hastile
1x Federation Clavis

Spawn 2: (Auto-Aggro)

1x Federation Hastarius

Spawn 3: (Auto-Aggro)

1x Federation Hastarius

Spawn 4: (Auto-Aggro)

4x Federation Clavis

Spawn 5: (Auto-Aggro)

3x Federation Clavis
1x Federation Hastile
1x Federation Loras

Comments [Hide comments/form]
In part 1 you have to approach the stargate for the spawns.
-- YoinX (2008-06-27 16:08:33)
Part 3 is constructed VERY similar to Enemies Abound 5. The firepower you deal with is much more fair though. Possibly a stepping-stone for that mission once you get to Level 4's.
-- KyraKomatsu (2008-09-04 21:24:18)
part 3, pocket 2, completed mission in a vexor. drones could not damage stargate, hammerhead IIs. they said they were fighting but it did not take damage. bug?
-- DanyelEmere (2009-03-25 02:42:40)
i encountered a really weird bug on this mission. when i first warped in in my frigate, i jumped directly into the last pocket and simply gunned down the stargate. 3 minutes later, when i came back to salvage the mission [dont ask :P] i had to go through all the pockets and clean them... anyone encountering something similar?
-- IonMineru (2009-04-06 03:35:33)
I got a different part 2 from a Caldari Lvl1 Agent:

Undue Attention - What Spacelane Patrol Knows (2 of 3)
Undue Attention - What Spacelane Patrol Knows (2 of 3)
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Transport Objective
Transport these goods: One unit of Reports (specific item)

12 Jumps or so.
-- DracoIncarnation (2009-08-29 11:57:54)
Completed in Punisher
High Slots
- 3x Medium Pulse Laser II's
- 1x Auto Targeting System I <-- Laziness
Med Slots
- 2x Cap Recharger II
Low Slots
- 1x SAR II
- 1x Heat Sink I
- 1x EANM I
- 1x Co-Processor I
- 3x CCC I

Very Good (For a lvl 1) ISKies from Tags
-- InfiniteZer0 (2010-07-18 09:39:03)
Made 754,380.99 ISK from tags off of all 3 parts
-- InfiniteZer0 (2010-07-18 10:40:01)
Killed every structure. Not a thing dropped.
-- FelyzaWish (2010-08-12 14:12:36)
Did mission in Kestrel. Spawns in 2nd pocket included 3 cruisers (Loras), but they did not start firing until getting within 10km. Kinetic missiles did more damage than Thermal ones.
-- IntelKnight (2010-10-30 00:54:26)
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