Formatting code for GoneBerserk1

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====== Gone Berserk, level 1 ======

{{lastedit show="2"}}
Faction: ""EoM""
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace with gate
Damage dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic
Recommended ship class: Frigate
Recommended generic setup: DPS with some tank

====Single Pocket====

===Group 1 (Left, 30km) (Auto Aggro)===
2x Frigates (""EoM"" Imp)
1x Frigates (""EoM"" Fiend) **Trigger Group 4**

===Group 2 (Middle, 20km) (Auto Aggro)===
2x Frigates (""EoM"" Imp)
1x Frigates (""EoM"" Fiend) **Trigger Group 6**

===Group 3 (Right, 50km) (Auto Aggro)===
2x Frigates (""EoM"" Imp)
1x Frigates (""EoM"" Fiend) **Trigger Group 8**

Each initial Fiend will trigger a spawn, and killing the spawns will spawn another wave.
Best to kill all Imps first, then one Fiend, then complete its waves before killing another of the initial Fiends.

===Group 4 (50km) (Auto Aggro)===
3x Frigates (""EoM"" Fiend)
- Killing last triggers Group 5
===Group 5 (30km) (Auto Aggro)===
2x Frigates (""EoM"" Incubus)

===Group 6 (25km) (Auto Aggro)===
3x Frigates (""EoM"" Fiend)
- Killing last triggers Group 7
===Group 7 (30km) (Auto Aggro)===
2x Frigates (""EoM"" Incubus)

===Group 8 (25km) (Auto Aggro)===
3x Frigates (""EoM"" Fiend)
- Killing last triggers Group 9
===Group 9 (30km) (Auto Aggro)===
2x Frigates (""EoM"" Incubus)

Kill Group 3, then Group 8 and Group 9.

==Mineable Asteroids==

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