Cargo Delivery, level 1

Last edited by anonymous:
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:53 EDT

Reported by: Maria Epiconthe in Hawk
Faction: Blood Raiders
Mission type: Encounter
Mission space: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Recommended damage dealing: Kin/Therm

Single Pocket

Approaching the Warehouse triggers the spawn (at 15km):

Spawn 1: (10-30km) (Auto Aggro)

8x Frigates (Corpii Herald/Upholder)
2x Frigates (Corpii Raider) --TRIGGER

Spawn 2: (10-40km) (Auto Aggro)

9x Frigates (Corpii Worshipper/Kazem Tatha)

Approach the Warehouse, grab whatever you are there to pick up, warp out (you should not do it in a shuttle, you need something that last a little bit longer)
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After finishing the mission I was able to mine 2,270,238 units of Veldspar. There was an occasional rat spawn (2 rats at a time) when I did it. But I was in a .8 system and the rats were basically Bantams.

One little caveat though. If you are mining with an alt and have an Orca, be prepared to warp in at up to 50km away from the miner. Kind of a bummer, but a rigged Orca should only have to warp out once to unload.
-- BanahrriNabiy (2009-02-21 20:20:44)
Approach Warehouse:
NPC spawn @ 16km from Warehouse:

Corpii Upholder x3
Corpii Herald x3
Corpii Follower x3
Corpii Diviner x1 (Trigger)

2nd Spawn:
Corpii Follower x4
Corpii Worshipper x3
Kazem Tatha x1

Mission objective in Warehouse:
Crates of Synthetic Oil x1 = 60.0 m3 cargohold amount

Veldspar Asteroid x60

No loot drop from structures.
-- DeMichaelCrimson (2010-10-17 01:33:10)
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