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======Enemies Abound, Level 4 (Part 3)======

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Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Therm/Kin/EM
Web/scramble: Elite Federation Lochos/Lixa
Reccomended damage dealing: Therm/Kin
Completed in: Armageddon, Dominix, Raven, Pilgrim, Drake, Tengu

====Warp in====
Aggro from 7 Frigates

7x Frigates (Gallente Navy Officer/Gallente Navy Delta I Support Frigate)

====Pocket 1====

The trigger ships will spawn the next wave the moment they are attacked, not (as usual) when they are destroyed. Consider setting your drones to passive to avoid being overwhelmed.

4x Scordite - 25k units
25x Veldspar - 50k units

===Spawn 1===
Aggro from 1x BS, 4x cruisers and 5x Frigates on warp in (30-40km)

1x Battleship (Federation Covinus/Navis Longa)
4x Cruisers (Federation Praktor Centurion/Legionarius)
4x Frigates (Federation Praktor Harpago/Belos)
1x Elite Frigate (Elite Federation Lixa/Lochos) (**Web/Scram**) **(Trigger)**

===Spawn 2===
All aggro when spawned at about 15-40km from beacon

2x Battleships (Federation Covinus)
3x Battlecruisers (Federation Pezos)
3x Destroyers (Federation Matara/Machaira)
1x Frigate (Elite Federation Lixa/Lochos) (**Web/Scram**) **(Trigger)**

===Spawn 3===
Aggro from a random number of ships when spawned (15-40km)

3x Battleships (Federation Navis Longa/Covinus)
2x Battlecruisers (Federation Calo/Praeco)
2x Destroyers (Federation Matara)
1x Elite Frigate (Elite Federation Lixa) (**Web/Scram**) **(Trigger)**

===Spawn 4===

2x Battleships (Federation Covinus/Navis Longa/Praktor Navis Praetoria)
2x Elite Cruisers (Elite Federation Calo/Bearcus) (Sensor Dampening)
2x Destroyers (Federation Pelekus/Arcus)
1x Elite Frigate (Elite Federation Lixa) (**Web/Scram**)

====Pocket 2====

3 groups, warp-in aggro from one random group, no linked aggro. Moving too close to one group will aggro it.
The following ships are not necessarily divided by type into groups. E.g. on warp-in one group will aggro, but this group can consist of 3x Gallente Navy Megathron. Not all 7x Megathron will aggro on warp-in.
Drones are not attacked by non attacked groups.
Bunkers may drop loot.

===Group 1===
3x Battleships (Gallente Navy Megathron)

===Group 2===
4x Battleships (Gallente Navy Megathron)

===Group 3===
3x Battleships (Gallente Navy Orion)
3x Elite Frigates (Federation Navy Orion's Wingman)

Killing one of the officers incurs a -2.5% standing hit

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