Epic Arc Overview

Last edited by CailFortestan:
added Standings gain for Retraction
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:30 EDT

Chapter agent: Hiva Shesheva
Agent location: Tanoo
Agent corporation: Krusual Tribe

Important notes :

* Your standings is only checked by the starter agent. Once you are on the epic arc, subsequent agents will no longer make standings checks.
* This means, within this epic arc, you can choose to run missions for ANY faction regardless of your standings with them.

Back to chapter 2, Songs of the Past.

Mission 1 - Church of the Obsidian

Faction: Ammatar
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Normal Space ( MWD )
Requires: Archeology I (for using Analyzer I)
Web/Scramble: Ammatar Navy Delta I, Ammatar Navy Gamma II

At Gate (25-50km, no aggro until within 15km of gate)
7x Frigate (Ammatar Navy Delta I, Ammatar Navy Gamma II, Ammatar Navy Soldier) Web/scramble
3x Battleship (Ammatar Navy Armageddon, Ammatar Navy Apocolypse)

Pocket 1 (30-40K)
5x Frigate (Ammatar Navy Soldier)
5x Cruiser (Ammatar Navy Maller)
10x Battleship (Ammatar Navy Armageddon, Ammatar Navy Apocolypse)



Mission 2 - Heresiology

Faction: Ammatar
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Normal space
Requires: Archeology I (for using Analyzer I)

Initial Spawn (55-75K)
10x Frigate (Ammatar Navy Delta 1 Support Frigate, Ammatar Navy Detective, Ammatar Navy Gamma II Support Frigate) Web
5x Cruiser (Ammatar Navy Maller)
4x Battleship (Ammatar Navy Armageddon, Ammatar Navy Apocolypse)



Mission 3 - Wildfire

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Normal space
Web/Scram: Frigates

No spawn on warp in. Dropping the datacore into the chapel container triggers the spawn.

Spawn 1 (15-40K)
6x Frigate (Gistii Hunter, Impaler )
10x Elite Frigate (Arch Gistii Hijacker, Hunter, Outlaw, Rogue, Thug, ) Web/Scramble
3x Battleship (Gist Throne, Cherubim )


Mission 4 - Stillwater

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission Type: Encounter

Initial Spawn
Angel Energy Neutralizer Sentry II 100km+ Range
8x Elite Frigate (Arch Gistii Hijacker, Hunter, Impaler)
3x Elite Cruiser (Arch Gistum Centurian, Phalanx)
5x Battleship (Gist Cherubim, Seraphim, Throne)
1x Elite Battleship (Karkoti Rend) ( Sleeper AI )


Arc Choice

You now get a choice: Retraction or Revelation.

Mission 5a - Revelation

Mission Type: Encounter / Drop off
Faction: Gallente

Dropped the book in the container and the mission is completed.

Reward 25 Million Isk + Standings

Mission 5b - Retractation

Mission Type: Encounter / Drop off
Faction: Defiants (Minmatar)

Dropped the book in the container and the mission is completed.

Reward Of 10 RSS Core Scanner Probe + Standings ~6.25% Minmatar

End Of Arc

Comments [Hide comments/form]
In mission 4, the angel hijackers did scram me.
-- BlazieB (2010-03-07 11:39:11)
Church of the Obsidian can be speed tanked. I did it in a Dramiel with an invuln fitted. Quickly eliminate webbing frigs and keep the afterburner running. Analyze the can and warp out.
-- IrnBruback (2010-07-21 06:29:40)
The standings reward is always going to be 6.25% (unless CCP changes things), but keep in mind that this 6.25% is going to vary in *effectiveness* according to your present standing...in my case, I selected Mission 5b and my Minmatar went from 5.68 to 5.95. But my standings log does say that that is 6.25%.
-- JaTon (2010-12-04 19:54:44)
I avoided killing the ships that are mentioned as giving the negative standings hits, but I got Amarr and Ammatar hits anyways from killing different ships. So is probably no way to kill the ships without a corresponding standings loss. In my case, the loss was very small...-0.018% to Amarr.
-- JaTon (2011-01-09 17:42:36)
For players who are going for the standings rewards: According to the info I am getting, the completion of 5A will give 11.5% Minmatar faction (not Gallente as the path-name implies). Completion of 5B gives 6.25% Minmatar, as previously stated. (Some players are saying they got 12% or 12.5% for 5A. I don't know whats going on. Sliding scale perhaps?)
-- JaTon (2011-01-09 18:23:54)
For Mission 3 - Wildfire
If you dont like the idea of getting jumped because you use a long range setup instead of close, deliver the datacore with a shuttle & then come back in with your mission boat - worked for me.
-- XeirinToroche (2011-01-20 17:57:21)
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