Revision [6937]

Last edited on 2010-09-17 16:08:45 by TontoAuri
====Every Drone Inside====
Normally, the local security forces would want to handle this drone threat themselves, but we're willing to contract the job out to a capsuleer. You'll have to go in alone while our fleet holds the line.
I suggest you take some friends into the fight. The drones have been growing in number as more are corrupted and somehow find their way to the swarm. If you manage to neutralize the threat, then perhaps you will find something amongst the wreckage that offers some further clue.
Completion: Cleanup the area from red crosses.
====A Sense of Dread====
Report back to Sister Alitura - she have something to do on the matter of ongoing investigation.

Revision [6936]

Edited on 2010-09-17 15:35:32 by TontoAuri
====An Economy Under Threat====
Vitamala wasn't coordinating with the Navy's emergency logistics division. There's a colony nearby that missed a shipment of farming supplies thanks to the chaos caused by these drones. If we don't make the delivery ourselves, then we risk their entire agricultural economy. Once you take these goods over to them directly, we can turn our focus on the underlying cause for these problems. ''You will need at least 150m3 of cargo space to make the delivery.''
Completion: Drop the //Farming Supplies// to the //Storage Warehouse//.

Revision [6935]

Edited on 2010-09-17 15:29:47 by TontoAuri
====Mercenary Distractions====
We can't go after Vitamala directly. Even though he doesn't really have a clue about what he's doing, he's too well-connected to displace without good reason. I'd expect this sort of thing from the Gallente, but not in the State. A man achieves rank because of his hard work and dedication, not because his father has friends in the bureaucracy. There is another commander I can reassign. The first difficulty is in freeing up his schedule.
He's currently on deployment in a nearby system, busy dealing with a mercenary force we believe to be funded by Guristas Pirates. If you can take out all of the Guristas ships, then I can arrange to have him reassigned to the drone problem.
Completion: Kill the Guristas vessels, then report back to agent.
Encounter type: Deadspace, no gate.
Faction: Guristas pirates.
4x Frigates

Revision [6934]

Edited on 2010-09-17 15:11:46 by TontoAuri
When you enter mission pocket, start heading toward drone hive. At approximately 25km the notification pops up and mission gets accomplished.
====House of Records====
I need to know more about the commander and why he doesn't seem to know what he's doing. I have a friend named Nachi Koruda working for the House of Records who should have those answers.
Fly over to the archives facility where she works and return to me with anything that might offer some explanations. It isn't glamorous work, but it needs to be done if we want to make informed decisions about how to proceed.
Completion: Pick up and haul goods back to agent.
When you enter mission pocket, start heading toward drobe hive. At approximately 25km the notification pops up and mission gets accomplished.

Revision [6930]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-09-17 15:04:09 by TontoAuri
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