Zor is an NPC found in at least 2 Level 4 Missions, The Damsel in Distress and The Right Hand of Zazzmatazz
He pilots a Caldari Navy Raven, is immune to all electronic warfare (including target painters), and deals heavy thermal damage via fast-firing cruise missiles.

He seems to consistently drop at least:

In addition he has a small chance to drop:
Here is a link to his stats: El Farto NPC Database
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Isn't he in a Golem, not CNR?
-- ItsJupix (2008-07-15 16:33:26)
It is possible... I don't really know the difference (I fly minnie ;P)
But he's been around since before the Golem, so...
-- StinggRay (2008-07-24 10:46:28)
Zor sometimes drops Zor's Custom Navigation Hyper-Link (8 slot, 5% bonus to AB/MWD boost).
-- TheObjective (2008-09-15 08:35:41)
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