Cleansing Fire, Level 5
Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace, no gate
Web/Scramble: Stasis Towers, All Frigates
Extras: Amarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs
Damage dealt: EM 70% / Therm 30% (because of missile batteries)
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Therm (Therm for missile batteries)
Recommended ships: Completed in (1) Maelstrom w/ Passive Tank
Direct warp into Deadspace. No gate.
Ships and towers between 30-60km away. All ships aggro at warp-in.
2 x Amarr Stasis Towers, when shot Triggers 1
3 x Cruisers (Divine Imperial Champion/Justicar/Ambrose*) orbits of 7-32k, *NOS
2 x Battlecruiser (Imperial Templar Champion/Justicar) orbits at 10-22k
1 x Battleship (Imperial Templar Martyr) orbits at 49k, Triggers 2,3,4
3 minute delayed spawn
2 x Amarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs- Spawn 1
If either Stasis Tower is shot, there spawnsAround the Stasis Towers:
5 x Amarr Heavy Missile BatteriesAround the Cathedral:
8 x Amarr Heavy Missile Batteries8 x Amarr Cruise Missile Batteries Trigger
Cathedral Spawns

Shooting the Cathedral will spawn
1 x Battleship (Amarr Navy Apocalypse) orbits at 4km, Web/Scramble
Mission Complete when the Amarr Cathedral is destroyed (objective)
- Cathedral Cruise Missile Batteries
Some Cathedral cruise missile batteries will spawn (approximately):1st Battery Destroyed - 2 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Sixtus/Paladin/Valok) Web/Scramble
5th Battery Shot - 2 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Imran/Napat) Web/Scramble
1 x Cruiser (Divine Imperial Ambrose)
7th Battery Shot - 2 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Imran/Sixtus/Amarr Navy Gamma I Support Frigate) Web/ScrambleOptional Spawns
- Spawn 2
When the original Martyr Battleship is reduced to 70% Shields there spawns 60km above the Cathedral4 x Amarr Cruise Missile Batteries
1 x Amarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry II
- Spawn 3
When the original Martyr Battleship is reduced to 90% Armor there spawns 60km below the Cathedral4 x Amarr Cruise Missile Batteries
1 x Amarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry II
- Spawn 4
Destroying the original Martyr Battleship spawns3 x Battleships (Imperial Templar Martyr) orbits at 49km
- Spawn 5
After a certain period of time there spawns3 x Battleships (Imperial Templar Martyr) orbits at 49km
- Spawn 6
Upon shooting the right Energy Neutralizer Sentry III there spawns3 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Imran/Sixtus) orbits at 4km, Web/Scramble
3 x Cruisers (Divine Imperial Ambrose*/Basil*/Justicar) orbits of 7-32km, *NOS
2 x Battleships (Divine Imperial Martyr) orbits at 49km
- Spawn 7
Upon shooting the left Energy Neutralizer Sentry III there spawns2 x Cruisers (Divine Imperial Champion/Justicar) orbits at 14-32km
3 x Battlecruisers (Imperial Templar Champion/Justicar) orbits at 10-22km
2 x Battleships (Imperial Templar Martyr/Torah) orbits at 44-49km
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