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======Recon, Level 2======

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=====Part 1 of 3=====

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Gated MWD: Yes
Damage dealt: exp/kin
Extras: timed respawns
Recommended damage dealing: exp/kin
Recommended ships: battlecruiser class if fighting (Drake, etc.)

====Pocket 1====
The gates are not locked, so you can blitz this mission in a shuttle without a single kill. Distance to gate ~ 25km

===Respawn 1===
2x Destroyer (gistior defacer/haunter)
1x Cruiser (gistum centurion)
===Respawn 2===
2x Destroyer (gistior seizer)
2x Cruiser (gistum phalanx)
===Respawn 3===
3x T2 Cruiser (arch gistum breaker/defeater/liquidator/phalanx)
===Respawn 4===
2x T2 Cruiser (arch gistum breaker/defeater/liquidator/phalanx)

====Pocket 2====
Mission completes when you arrive.
3x T2 frigates (Arch Gistii Ambusher)
4x T2 cruisers (Arch Gistum Phalanx)

Ambush by
3x destroyers (Gistior Seizer)
2x T2 cruisers (Arch Gistum Centurion)

Warp-out in the middle of very nice belt with 6,447,561 units of Veldspar ready to mine. Belt radius ~25km around warp-out point.
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