Revision [6391]

Last edited on 2010-04-16 06:04:29 by Whisper1
2x Scordite (2x 120000)
1x Spodumain (1x 75000)
2x Scordite
1x Spodumain

Revision [6390]

Edited on 2010-04-15 02:12:44 by Whisper1
1x Arkanor (1x 10.000)
1x Bistot (1x 15.000)
1x Crockite (1x 20.000)
1x Dark Ochre (1x 10.000)
1x Gneiss (1x 20.000)
1x Hedbergite (1x 60.000)
1x Jaspet (1x 100.000)
1x Arkanor
1x Bistot
1x Crockite
1x Dark Ochre
1x Gneiss
1x Hedbergite
1x Jaspet

Revision [6135]

Edited on 2010-02-27 12:21:26 by Whisper1
1x Arkanor
1x Bistot
1x Crockite
1x Dark Ochre
1x Gneiss
1x Hedbergite
0x Hemorphite
1x Jaspet
1x Kernite
1x Omber
3x Plagioclase
2x Pyroxeres
2x Scordite
1x Spodumain
0x Veldspar

Revision [5731]

Edited on 2009-12-03 22:47:45 by NightReaver
//Although abundant supplies of fullerenes were the darling discovery of the new wormhole regions, the influx of access to more raw minerals was not something that went unnoticed either. For many years, experts had postulated that the current supply in known space was beginning to fall slightly behind demand. Fortunately for all parties involved, the discovery of vast ore deposits in these far-flung, unknown areas ensured that such an event would not happen in the foreseeable future. //

Revision [5730]

Edited on 2009-12-03 22:47:10 by NightReaver
======Common Perimeter Deposit======
{{lastedit show="2"}}
Faction: Sleepers
Signature type: Gravimetric
Space type: Normal Space
Damage dealt: Omni
Webbers: None
Scramblers: None
Recommended ship classes: Medium tanked Battlecruisers
Recommended generic setup: Omni tank
====Single Pocket====
===Initial Group===
5x Frigates (Emergent Patroller)

Revision [5694]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-12-03 19:44:59 by NightReaver
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