The Blood-Stained Stars

Part I: Quality of Mercy

A Beacon Beckons

We've just received a distress call from a ship called the Damsel, and you're the closest thing to aid available right now. Get out there and save some lives. Prove to me you're not just another murderous liar with a god complex.

Completion: Approach the center of scene.
Hints: No mobs. Shuttle is pretty enough.

Agent Inquiry

No one fired on the Damsel. Something must have happened inside the ship. We'd like you to track those survivors down. CONCORD is the first logical step. I've gotten in touch with CONCORD Agent Tevis Jak, who may have information for you. Go see if you can find a piece of this puzzle.

Completion: Go and talk to agent as ordered.

Of Interest

A bunch of pirates have been scavenging the explosion site. Go and take them out for me. It shouldn't be too much trouble for a capsuleer, and you might even find some extra information.

Completion: Kill first spawn, loot the Datacore. Bring core back to agent.

Retrieving Red

I found your first guy, but it looks like he's shipped out already. He's down in the crew manifest as "Red". I'm giving you coordinates to intercept the convoy now. You should be able to catch them before they get too far.
Go quick, though: I'm worried that they don't have enough security to deal with the number of 'rats - sorry, pirates - where they're headed. They might need your help.

Completion: Kill first spawn, loot the "Red". Bring "Red" back to agent.

Alerting Alitura

Just got a message from Sister Alitura. I sent her that weird datacore you found at the site. She says they weren't able to decipher it. Pity.
Still, she's very interested in consulting with you. So go do what she wishes. The Sisters are good people.

Completion: Report to Sister Alitura. As requested.

Jet-Canning a Janitor

We have another crew member located. The ship's janitor, Nebben Centrien, is stationed at a small outpost. We hope he'll have a lead on where some of the other personnel are recuperating.
In light of what happened to Red, I'd like you to bring him back here once you've found him - for his own safety, you understand.

Completion: Kill two waves of Serpentis frigates. Loot the man from his shuttle when it spawned.

Encounter type: Deadspace, no gate
Faction: Serpentis

3x T1 frigates (was Navitas class for me)
Wave 1 (spawn when guards are dead):
4x rookie frigates

Chivvying a Chef

It appears Aubrei Azil, the ship's cook, has shipped out as well. There's no way they would all get reassignments so soon after an incident like this. They're being shuffled through the system so we don't find them. And then there're the drones…
You need to find Aubrei. If we follow this long enough, we might discover who doesn't want the truth uncovered.

Completion: Warp to mission, loot Chef Aubrei Azil, GTFO.

Delivering a Doctor

We've located the doctor from the wrecked ship. Unfortunately, we've located her by way of a ransom demand. We want this doctor alive, so we're going to pay it. I'll put the money in your hangar when you accept this mission.
I need you to take the ransom to the designated drop location. They're to drop off the doctor as soon as you drop off the money. Be prepared for a double-cross, just in case.

Completion: Drop A Lot of Money into container. Kill two waves of Serpentis ships. Loot Doctor Luija Elban, deliver her to the agent.

Encounter type: No deadspace.
Faction: Serpentis
Last frigate killed drop can with objective.

Wave 1:
3x Frigates (Ares class)
Wave 1:
3x Frigates (Ares class)

Engineering a Rescue

We've gone a long way, but we've found the key survivor. Her name is Tahaki Karin. She was the engineer on the main ship from the ruined fleet. She may be the only one who knows what really happened.
You know the drill by now: Get out there and get her before someone else does. I'm fairly certain there'll be someone there to shoot at you.

Completion: Approach the can, loot the "goods", GTFO.

Going Gallente

(Damn forgot to put it down here)

Completion: Head to Harerget and talk to Delphine Xarasier at V-M1 CreoDron Factory.

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