Unauthorized Military Presence, level 2

Last edited by OmgAmarkov
Fri, 25 Jun 2010 01:33 EDT

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Exp, Kin, EM
Recommended damage dealing: Exp, Kin
Recommended ships: Rifter

Single Pocket

Group 1:

2x Gistior Haunter (Destroyer class)
3x Gistii Ambusher (Frigate class)
1x Gistii Raider (Frigate class)

Group 2:

4x Gistii Defacer (Destroyer class)
2x Gistior Haunter (Destroyer class)

Group 3:

3x Gistii Ruffian (Frigate class)
2x Gistii Raider (Frigate class)
1x Gistii Nomad (Frigate class)
1x Angel Cartel Personnel Transport

Killing groups 1 and 3 and collecting the militia from the transport completes the mission objectives. All ships in both groups must die; collecting the militia is not enough.
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Don't forget to pick up the 10 Militants from the Personnel Transport Wreckage!
-- EliseaDarkmoon (2008-06-09 09:42:11)
The mission groups need to be updated as of 8/5/2008.

Replacing some of the frigates in the first and second waves are Gistior Haunters, based on Minmatar Thrasher destroyers. There are 2 in the first wave, 5 in the second.

Angels now have a resistance to Explosive damage, heavy missiles will do less than half damage on most of the mobs during this mission.
-- JohnDMes (2008-08-05 21:44:42)
There are mineable asteroids in this mission:
45 veldspar = 1.5M units
30 plagioclase = 750K units
16 pyroxeres = 500K units
-- BergonDarek (2008-12-13 22:14:35)
The rocks I got were:
1,552,420 Veldspar
813,864 Plagioclase
479,979 Pyroxeres
-- Ariacus3 (2009-04-08 20:58:46)
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