Soft Drink Wars, Level 1

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Various (Mainly Therm/Kin)
Extras: None
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Therm/Kin

Pocket 1

Galin Famis warps out so don't worry about trying to shoot him. Mercs will warp in to shoot you.

3x Frigates (Merc Rookies)

Pocket 2

1x merc leader
5x Frigates (Merc Rookies)
1x named (Galin Famis)

Notes: Breeding Facility will drop a large amount of slaves for you.
Note: Battlecruisers and above cannot use jump gate.
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named was Choon Mirith and the Roadhouse dropped 3 trade goods 10 units each
-- UrsaMinitora (2008-07-30 21:00:13)
I'm Gallente & the guy was named Sivance Blackish. All the wrecks yielded semi-useful stuff. But nothing necessarily worth going to EACH wreck for.
-- KnotBeer (2008-08-16 22:49:42)
Battleships cannot enter through the gate.
-- JeremyS (2008-09-18 13:47:55)
I just finished this mission from a Caldari agent ...

The "named" guy was called "Quince Nemirda", and there were three structures in the second room : Stationary Badger (no loot), Landing Pad (no loot) and Roadhouse (4 trade goods of 10 units each).

Loot and salvage was standard for a lvl 1 mission against Mercenaries (nothing to write home about), apart for a "Caldari Navy Midshipman Insigna II" in the wreck of Quince Nemirda.
-- KeryNysell (2009-02-25 04:47:59)
Battlecruisers and above cannot use jump gate.
-- ConkkerDesigns (2009-03-01 03:05:03)
Here: 3 structures: Casino - Landing Pad - Docked Bestower
Gallente mission part.
Casino has loot for example Long-limb Roes and Spiced Wine. Nothing more. Another structures are empty.
-- MrDummy (2009-05-10 05:58:19)
No Asteroids to mine.
-- MarvinTpa (2009-10-14 17:36:36)
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