The Blood-Stained Stars

Part VII: Closing In

Last edited by TontoAuri
Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:53 EDT

A Stranger's Face

Your anger is understandable, but we've got more reason to cooperate than to quarrel. Dagan's your real enemy. You'll be interested to know that some of his corpmates have been spotted at a nearby station. We've prepared an agent to gain their confidence and extract information on their further operations. To you, she'll be Tahaki Karin, a ship's engineer from the Damsel. Before our operative can infiltrate Dagan's group, Karin's identity records will need to be altered. Take these records to an archive station. Once they're updated there, our friends will make sure they're changed throughout the entire network.

Completion: Haul the Altered Identity Records to the designated location.

The Sisters and the Spy

With those records replaced, our agent is Tahaki Karin.
What happened to real one? Electronically speaking, she's a non-person. She's alive and safe, though; if she wanted better, she shouldn't have joined the Society. Now, we need to get our Karin into place. I've filed a travel request in her name, which the Society has granted. All you need to do is rendezvous with a Society transport and drop her off.
Once that's done, we just have to wait for her to tell us where Dagan is.

Completion: Deliver "Tahaki Karin" to the Luxury Spaceliner docked at SOCT landing pad.

Encounter type: Deadspace without gates.
Warp to location. Approachthe landing pad, drop the "thing" into can.

Add: You'll get a popup from Republic Fleet representative offering cover for your final assignment.

Sealing the Deal

The Society of Conscious Thought has deployed a refitted cruiser, the Omnipresence, nearby... with a substantial escort. We think they may be recording our local communications. If they are, there's a good chance they'll be able to decipher them, and root out our agent. The Society will certainly murder our sister if they uncover her identity. We need you to locate the Omnipresence, and destroy her. If necessary, engage her escort, but try not to destroy them. The loss of human life would be catastrophic.

Completion: Shoot down the Omnipresence.

Encounter type: Deadspace without gates.
Warp in, quickly approach the objective, set orbit, shoot it down, when you catch incoming fire - try to stay aligned to something. Finish off cruiser, warp away.

7x Frigates (Various assortment of Gallente ships)
1x Cruiser (Society Spy) - the objective.

Add: You'll get a popup from Ishukone Watch representative offering cover for your final assignment... not for free, indeed.

Chasing Shadows

An independent Amarr pilot named Kritsan Parthus has recently dealt with Dagan. Unfortunately, he won't disclose Dagan's location to the Sisters. Destroy Parthus's ship and retrieve him for questioning.

Completion: Salvage Kritsan Parthus from his ship and bring him to agent.

Encounter type: Deadspace without gates.
Faction: Amarr (Independent Harbinger-class Battlecruiser), Angel (Independednt mercenary rookies)
The battlecruiser objective has heavy EM/TM longrange DPS and heavy Energy Neutralizing inside 20km(?) range. The safest possible deal is to do this mission with help. Cleanup rookie frigates (they pop like chips) first. Then one should attract Kritsan and stay at maximum possible range from him, sustaining any incoming damage (armor tanking ships the best choice, additionally plated for resisting EM/Therm), the other should jump in close and do damage (EM Missiles/EM Drones/Lasers/Projectile with EMP will chew him fast).

5x Angel Rookie
1x Battlecruiser (Kritsan Parthus) - the objective Heavy DPS/Neut.

Add: You'll get a popup from Imperial Navy representative gently reasoning you... yet offering help for your final assignment.

The Missing Piece

We've finally determined Dagan's location. It appears that he's outfitting another expedition. If he successfully acquires more of those drones - and worse, maintains control of them - he and his clients will be able to wreak terrible destruction across the cluster. I'm sure you can take out Dagan yourself, but it looks like he's hired some muscle. You've made some imperial contacts, yes? They might be able to clear a path for you to engage Dagan.
The empires will want Dagan not just for justice, but for his knowledge. Accept their help, but consider delivering him into our merciful hands, instead. We'll spare him... and make sure his knowledge does no harm. You have to make a choice between the Empires: Which one do you want to help you in taking down Dagan?

Story arc branching

You have to choose from four empire commanders to hire one for the final battle. Your choice will directly affect key NPC abilities (I.e. his ship will be tuned to resist the damage kind your chosen empire relies upon), so make your choice wisely.
Each of four branches does not differ in meaning or treatment, so they are listed down here as one generic branch.

The <Empire> Commander

Completion: Head out to the representative of your choice.

Our Man Dagan

Completion: Retrieve Dagan and bring him to your agent.

Encounter type: Deadspace with gate.
Faction: Varies.
Upon warp-in, you'll see a squad of your allied ships battling Dagan's escort frigates. They will leave as soon, as Dagan himself undock from station in his SOCT cruiser. As said earlier, Dagan's abilities will vary depends on your choice of empire ally, but some key moments will be the same: his tank will be very strong against primary weapon of the chosen empire (i.e. heavy EM/TM resists if you choose Amarr), and he will deal mostly the damage that is opposite to the choosen empire(?) (EX/KI, much like Minmatar or Angel ship).

3x Frigate
1x SOCT Cruiser (Dagan)

Here's some clues for battling him:
Choice of Amarr
You'll face typical Angel cruiser. Close-range, mostly EX/KI damage and metric ton of EM/TM resists. Web him, stay over 10km and you'll be able to even shieldtank his guns in armortanked boat. I was.

Dal Segno al Fine (Amarr)

The Sisters of Eve have requested that we turn Dagan to their forces as payment for their aid. The Sisters may appear peaceful, but we are providing this Society member no mercy by delivering him to their care.
A Sisters of Eve convoy awaits the deliver of Dagan. They wish you to do the honors. I can think of no one more appropriate.

Completion: Deliver Dagan to the awaiting Wreathe-class industrial.

Pocket 1

Some distance from warp-in, you'll see a group of ships, supposedly representing the four empire commanders and Wreathe class hauler belonged to Sisters of Eve. Carefully aproach the hauler and drop Dagan/ in the hold. Head back to your agent and do nothing else at all.

Lear Evanus > You have been an ally to the Empress and the Amarr people. Whether you continue your efforts defending the Empires or forge your own empires with your fellow capsuleers in the depths of lawless space, know that you have proven your worth as a capsuleer.
Sister Alitura > Farewell. Perhaps there is hope for your kind yet.
Comments [Hide comments/form]
Flying a pair of Catalyst (approx a week of training) and Malediction(nearly perfect) in Amarr Commander mission branch, I was almost solely been doing damage by my nearly untrained alt, Malediction was unable to even hold back his shield regen. (Frankly speaking, I've had only Gremlins with me, so changing to Phalanx or Thorn would've made my day here.)
-- TontoAuri (2010-09-24 01:09:25)
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