can someone check my math? i find best damage to be kinetic and explosive

avg shield- hp: 41550, em res: 43.2, ex res: 66.8, ki res: 42.6, th res: 63.7
avg armor- hp: 32225, em res: 60, ex res:10, ki res: 25, th res: 25

shield: res% * hp: 17949.6 27755.4 17700.3 26467.35
armor: res% * hp: 19335 3222.5 8056.25 8056.25

shield res% * hp total: 89872.65
armor res% * hp total: 38670

shield res% of total: em: 0.2, ex: 0.31, ki: 0.2, th: 0.29
armor res% of total: em: 0.5, ex: 0.08, ki: 0.21, th: 0.21

combined: em: 0.7, ex: 0.39, ki: 0.41, th: 0.5
since explosive and kinetic are the lowest, they are the best

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